My First render in yafray
some problems withs some circles appear (why …)
[Pictures deleted, too old. Sorry !]
My First render in yafray
some problems withs some circles appear (why …)
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in edit mode, select all vertices and Alt N, et voilà.
Nice render
yafray doesn’t calculate normals itself?
i thought it could be an auto smooth problem,
oh well? did you get that fixed [a]drien?
Another render after optimisations and TAB + A + Alt + N (=>lol)
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did ya model it yourself?
I take pictures of my chess-board. and i try to make it like the real
no coment …
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how can you tell the black from the white?
Crystal chess-board is not for playing, it’s just for your eyes. :o
Color is for next render …
do u think of trying hdri as well?
/me thinks, that would look great - imagine your chess board inside the uffizi
HDRI is one of my futur project, so i had to configure Yable and set colors to chess pieces
thanks to your question.
very very nice.
That’s it, I’m going to learn YAFRAY as soon as my current project is finished.
Great renders, especially the second one !
why not just cload one of the sets thats what normally is used in glass chess to tell bettween the 2.
nice modelling very nice
render is good too but needs things in background.
I’m not sure because of the angle, but I think that you made a typical mistake of chessboard-modelers - duplicated the pieces and rotated them 180 degrees, forgetting that the kings should be on the same line. Not sure, but better safe than sorry. Oh, and add color. I’ve got a white/blue combination alabaster chess set at home. Looks way cool.
I’ve post this Wip in WIP forum so, It’s not a FINISHED PROJECT so that why there are not Two colors different. So i’m going to make another Yafray Render, whith ANOTHER color
For King position, i just say : oupppsss !!!