
Ok, only the dice rolling portion, but I’m figuring out the rest! Sorry if this seems GE noobish, but it was just a fun test. Space bar rolls dice, and R resets. I realize the dice are high poly. I went straight into this after modeling a die, so I figured, why UV map?


Closest to Yahtzee I got was 4-of-a-kind with sixes.:slight_smile:

Very Nice LOTRJ. I like it. The material on the cup is actually pretty nice, too. Haha!

If it went faster, it might actually be practical for a dice game.

Thanks, I already have an idea for how to make the GE know what number is facing up. Basically it’ll take 3 empties with ray sensors parented to each die, and 2 planes, one above the dice, and one below. Say I have one ray sticking out of the 6 side of the die. If this side lands up, the ray will hit the upper plane and give the die a property with a value of 6. If the ray hits the plane below the dice, the property given will be 1, since that’s on the opposite side of the die. The other 2 ray sensors on the die will stick out of other sides of the die and work similarly for their corresponding numbers. Thoughts?

I don’t know if you meant this as a cruel joke but it just threw 2 of my dice right out into oblivion, the wild black yonder, the black hole, the you get the picture. They went sailing off the left side of the screen pretty fast. They were gone B4 the other 3 left the cup.

What’s causing the dice to sparkle like they’re electrified? I’d like to be able to do that in an animation but I’ve got a feeling it’s an opengl issue.


Hmm, sorry about that. The animation of the cup and placement of the dice in the cup is very touchy. If the cup throws too hard, dice fly off the left. If the dice aren’t placed right, they bounce off the side of the cup and fly off the left. It seems to work ok most of the time, but perhaps I will have to add an invisible wall on the left to keep things from going screwy.

I don’t know what you mean about flickering, here’s a screen capture of what I see when rolling. DivX .AVI 350 KB (First roll is a small straight…:D)

Once my dice land they flicker at single pixels, bright white, on the edges of the dice and on the divots. Ive only seen this after they land but it happens every time and continues until I load the cup. It’s really kinda cool and probably related to my GPU or it’s drivers. I haven’t tried it out on windoze.