hello there blender artists i have made my first short game to public and i can say its quite simple and fun
soo now hot to play it well it will look hard at start
moving camera is by right mouse click and moveing more moved from center the faster i will move (moving loc X,Y)
to spin the camera up down left right use left mouse click and movement
now to move a ragdoll use 3rd mouse button (sorry 2 b clickers ;p) and the same as in camera movement but its glob XY using ctrl and up down movement gives camera Z pos + ragdoll Z too ! didnt fixed that ;/
and special keys to (find out by outself) A and or D ;] http://files.filefront.com/ipvr_ragdollrar/;6404695;;/fileinfo.html
This is great - it’s professional looking if you ask me. One of the best blender demos and showcases blender’s nice physics and light mapping features. It’s also funny