Yet Another Temple WIP
This particular temple is a part of my RPG world project.
It need a shitloads more detailing, and texturing (obviously).
Rendered and modelled fully in Blender 2.28.
Fullsize (a big image warning):
Yet Another Temple WIP
This particular temple is a part of my RPG world project.
It need a shitloads more detailing, and texturing (obviously).
Rendered and modelled fully in Blender 2.28.
Fullsize (a big image warning):
What’s that little spot light off to the right? The modeling looks really nice.
Awesome work! :o Keep it on!
Looks awesome! Hemilight?
good work for some reason that looks familiar, looks kinda like a temple that housed the ark from like NOVA or something
Thanks for the comments
kipre: The lightspot comes from the fake-GI sphere, and is one of the many spotlights (I think… though it is rather odd that no other spots are seen)
dante: Nope, it’s a spotlight, which was parented to a half ico-sphere and then dupliverted and tracked to the center of the temple. The shadowmaps of the lamps were very hight quality (~3000), 16 samples and softness of 25. The strength of the lamps was 350
There is a tutorial of that somewhere, although all I found was one french one
h3llbl4z3r: I’m not familiar of that, but I got the inspiration to the temple from the old Hindu temples
hmm almost looks like GI, very good I commend you… how did you get it to look that way?
I used this technique:
it’s French, but if you look at the images and shortcuts, I think you can figure it out even if you don’t understand the language.
Beware though, the redertime will go up quite much because of the multitude spotlights, rendering that scene took about 10 mins on my comp (Athlon XP 2200+, 256 DDR RAM).
The correct lamp settings you will find by testing, though the key to good looking scene seems to be the Soft-setting (hig is good).
Veriy nice temple
I object on stairs, steps looks too big, IMHO, and make the temple look very small. From the steps I’d say thet the main ‘platform’ of the temple is a mere 2.5 meters above ground level and hence the big circular thing in the middle is a 5-6 meters in diameter with a door the size of a normal house door.
But model is great.
For the light, hanzo, the method is described in english both on a tut on my site (www.selleri.org) and on the new Blender Documentation Project (www.blender.org -> Documentation)
Thanks for the commets
You’re about right on the dimensions, the main platform is about 3m high. This is intentional though, as the temple isn’t meant to be a place for ceremonies, but rather only a dwelling place of a divinity. People visit there only rarely. And, this is only a small temple, I’m planning to make a bigger one if I ever get this done
a side note, here’s one of the hindu temples that served as a source of insipiration:
When you look at the images, remember, the whole temple is carved out of solid rock in one piece :o
Nice work. It seems a little late now, but bevelling all of those hard corners would make it even better.
Thats the invisible UFO beaming up the invisible man.