YAY i am GAY!!!

ha ha ha ha got ya didn’t i :stuck_out_tongue:

i am soooo happy (yep gay as anything)

ok i’m not that happy.

anyway i decided to start modeling heads for my uypcoming animation. after a few mins of taking photos of myself and a bit of quick modeling i now have a 3d reference mesh for my first head.

you see i have never modeled a head before in my life and i was finding it difficult to alter the make human head, i felt it would be easier to do my own from scratch.

i was finding it hard to model from 2x 2d images also as in the 3d world you can’t rotate to see if its in line etc…

so i looked at a whole heap os tuorials on head modeling (really quickly skimed the pics)

and i found that there were about 5 completely different ways to do it, so i am coming up witha hybrid way to model a head.

from 2x photos for the final detailed mesh, from 8 photos for the 3d reference mesh that were taken of me about 13 degrees apart each and then modeled in slices.

so this mesh is not my first head, but my first pre head alpha beta public release testing phase LOL, ha ha ok its a 3d reference for my more detailed model to be compared in location to throughout the modeling of it. so its crap but roughly accurate which is all thats important.

anyway i don’t think its that bad, infact i think its better than many peoples first heads, but as i said its jsut a step towards my first head, which will be a complete head :slight_smile: (i have faith in myself, or i’m jsut up myself, or i think i’m better than i am LOL)

anyway its not really here for crit as its not a final one, but any sugestions towards my final one and how i go about that would be appreciated. its my first organic thing also so yeah these sub surf things are funny LOL.

oh p.s. textures are just uv mapped from the “from screen” unwrap option they are very temporary and wer just testing if my features were in the right places :wink:

thanks guys


oh afte i do my detailed mesh it will then have the features exentuated and turned into multiple characters of multiple ages, the aim is two have an aimation with many versions of the same person (ME) being attacked by a house (yes its a long story) and there would be one other character who is the owner of the house. basicly i will turn myself into.

An old man on a mobility scooter
A pilot
a skate boarder
a milk man

but will do a seperate face for the other character, both charaters are in this gallery with the concept scketches http://doug.mud-puddle.co.nz/gallery/securatron

anyway will post updates of my project as they happen, its gonna be a 3-4 month animation prject, and i will do it as a portfolio item for my portfolio towards WETA digital where i will apply (its the ones that did LOTR, they are local to me)



congrats :smiley:

it feels nice when u do something you’re proud, real proud of, 8)

(hopefully once day I will have the guts to model a head myself :slight_smile: )

Good lick with WETA!

Cool are you planning facial animation? if so I’d alter your mouth area to a couple of concentric edge loops instead of all ya edges originating from the corners :wink:

Edit I meant good luck with Weta… hmmn thats a little Freudian.

really? me 2!!


nice head though