YAY Im Downloading UT2004!

I heard that when you secure download from download.com, it installs a spyware on your computer… suspensful music … anyways I hope UT2004 will work on my computer this time
Question: If a tree falls down in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? -that includes any and all sound recording and sending devices (such as cell phones)

well, it always wants to start at startup and there is no good way to set the temp folder it downloads to

(I simply moved my documents, which is more than I can do for gamespot’s dowload thing)

spyware? don’t know

it always made a sound, but if nobody was there it is difficult to prove

what is UT2004?

Im gonna say that hes talking about Unreal Tournement 2004… but thats a REALLY wild guess


Pff you,re wrong buddy it’s

Unreal TournAment 2004


If a tree falls down in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Search the forums, it’s already been asked.

lol X…

Oh and um, spyware sucks.

dittohead is naked! :o ahg my eyes!

/me farts green gases

i shoulda guessed…unreal tournAment. I have never played it before.

also, is there a monthly subscription online, or is it free like the best game ever…what do you mean?..of course I am talking about Halo you idiot…lol

monthly subscription online

Not that I’m aware of…it would be absurd to charge monthly, becuase you either host a server, or connect to someone elses server. Very, very few servers are hosted by companies, and I’m not sure it’s even legal to charge for that service, outside of a contract by the game’s producers.

Most games work this way, minus the RPGs, because the style and structure of said game type logically requires main server(s) to be powered, maintained, and employed by the game’s developers or producers.

games like Uru live :frowning: (cancelled) charged monthly…but thanks, now i know…yeah!

Unreal Tournament is a First person shooter (one of the best action FPS ever I believe). You can play single player throught the tournament and win or lose. The best part is actually the multiplayer in which you can replay all the mission of Single player but with other people on the net. Playing on the net is free since the server are from company (gamespot,gamespy etc…) or peoples like me or you. So you buy the game once and never pay again for it.

and I need to say: IT R0X0R!!!

Unreal tournament is one of the best games in the world! play it if you have never played it before. :smiley:

Of course it does. If I was standing in the middle of the forest and there was nobody around to see me, I would still exist, wouldn’t I? Just because a sound can’t travel to us from the forest doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
This paradox is probably my least favourite because it tries to conflict with common sense, and miserably fails.


Of course it does. If I was standing in the middle of the forest and there was nobody around to see me, I would still exist, wouldn’t I? Just because a sound can’t travel to us from the forest doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
This paradox is probably my least favourite because it tries to conflict with common sense, and miserably fails.[/quote]

And what’s the sound of one hand clapping, young grasshopers, (as I’m sure, Mr Modron would like to ask for one more time…)???.

The sound of one hand clapping is very very soft… it hits other molecules such as oxygen, nitrogen, and other stuff in the air :smiley: