YAY my new gallery pages are up.

no more uploading images through a FTP client for me.

no more ugly index pages without thumbnaisl to find pics i want.



i downlaoded the free PHP program called “gallery 1.4” and installed it on my server.

my next project will be editing the layout of the files in the PHP program and editing the CSS code so that it displays totally differently.

once that is done it will be even better than it is now.

oh p.s. i might be able to offer people a gallery but am not sure yet. thsi gallery can be uplaoded to from anywhere in the world on any computer so yeah.


Nice work alltaken… :smiley:

It’s a good thought to offer people a place to upload their work… So if you can make this happen, it would be a good thing for people that don’t have web pages of their own…

Keep the good work up…

C.U. later… :wink: