Yay, SUMMER! (Yes, I am a bit slow to notice)

And, because it was so pretty sunny day today, I wanted to show you my first big project, which I made some time ago in last x-mas :stuck_out_tongue:


Feel free to mock it. :smiley:

shut up! me and alltaken are freezing :x

wicked render btw…

I kinda have another vision of summer. To me, summer starts when i get outta school. If i’m still in school, it ain’t summer yet.

At least here in the Dominican Republic (in the caribbean) summer is more like this:


That’s a nice render, but the snowman looks more like…uh…not-made-from-snow. (in any case, we can’t make snowmen here, they melt in 30 seconds :stuck_out_tongue: )

looks summery…

Hey, GFX Idiot, I’ll trade you
places. Anywhere but here, where
it is over 112 degress farenheit.

You have no idea how lucky you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, decent pic. It is interesting
because when I first looked at it, I thought
it looked very good. But when I looked more
closely at the details, I saw that it wasn’t that
good. I think the reason for it looking good
at first is the lighting. (topnotch btw) Anyway,
decent pic.


You are absolutely correct. As I said, this was one of my first succesfull pics after I started with Blender. It’s almost alltheway done with basic shapes, with a little bit of verts adjustment. The only more “complex” modeling was, in my recollection, the carrot nose, which I made with… with… SPIN (imagine some thunder efx here)

Yeah. The lights please me as well.

nice. hey TEKOBYTE where the heck do u live in yuor frige? fri 13 i actaully envy u, i have some notion of caribean girls and their HOT!