Yeah Spain

sigh kansas you sure are…

Hmmm, doesn’t say obvious. Why don’t you go up to president Bush and tell your state wants independence.

what state, i live in the UK

I think the whole country wants independence, only you, some other nut jobs from Kansas and fools don’t.

Better include the state of Missouri right next door, they also struck down gay marriage.

Ok tell you want Kansas I’ll pay for a psychiatrist to take a look at your head, I mean you wont pay nothing but obviously your going to have to go to a better town to find one who knows what the hell he’s talking about because its obvious your crazy, and thats not your fault its the people your around… maybe you should come to Canada and enjoy a big whiff of freedom.

Hmm, a lot of nonsense in this thread.

Judging from your comments, Mr. Capone, it seems as though you are opposed to anyone who has strong convictions. Moral terrorism? Could someone explain what they mean by this? Or is this just more symptoms of the societal infection of relativistic philosophy? Is there an absolute? Is there truth?

Let’s say you don’t believe in gay marriage. That’s ok. But to want to slaughter them? Don’t you think that’s worse than being gay (if you think it’s wrong)?

BTW, I don’t agree with fags at all but that doesn’t mean we should blow em up. If you think you can prove otherwise, go ahead and try.

I wonder if Fred Phelps is his dad…

Not slaughter them, bomb them, if they want to allow gay marriage then they can just kiss their economy and wealth goodby.

lol…shbaz, after reading the pastor’s biography i was almost sick. Kansas its because of people like you that USA is hated by most of the world, which is a shame for the rest of your fellow countrymen who try to change peoples aspect of USA from the old greedy and bully like attitude.

Moral terrorism are fundamentalist that use morals to terrorize society. It’s what Afghanistan use to be before America and other nations invade the country. Let me use an example. In Sudan a women was sentence to death for being rape. That my friend is moral terrorism, however Kansas feelings could come from attraction of male in a moralist society. Hitler was in fact a closet homosexual. People often do harsh acts to prove to themselves and others that they are not what they feel. It’s a form of denial. I’m interested what would happen if we put a wire around his thing and play straight and homosexual porn.

Kansas maybe someone should put a bomb in your house because they simply dont agree with you, if everyone bombed everyone because they didn’t agree with anyone, there wouldnt be anything left in the world…

don’t say it was a fact - it’s only a hypothesis, but it’s well known that many SS troopers were homosexuals. I must admit, though, that Chris Kattan is doing such a funny gay hitler in SNL - I’m willing to belive it’s true :slight_smile:

lol…shbaz, after reading the pastor’s biography i was almost sick. Kansas its because of people like you that America is hated by most of the world, which is a shame for the rest of your fellow countrymen who try to change peoples aspect of USA from the old greedy and bully like attitude.

US is hated by most of the world? that’s new. I don’t hate the US.

Or it could be people moved away from being people like in america, the world didn’t have nearly as many problems or they haven’t been near as large 100 years ago.

well ok saying most of the world hates USA is going to far, but certainly a good third does, I did not say I hated USA either, I just dislike the ‘radicial’ right, its just in my opinoin an old fashion and greedy way of politics, i’m not saying everyone should go hug a tree, just instead give some consideration to others.

Kansas its because of dirty little f##king B@$T@RDS like you that this world has so many danm problems, I’m sure that if we sent all of your little dirty a$$'s off to some distant place the world would be:
1.) Not full of so much hate
2.)Wars would be extremley rare.
3.)People in third world countries with diffrent religions other then Christianity wouldn’t be scared sh#tless all the time.
4.)Finally I wouldnt have to waste my time buying materials off eBay to build a cruise missle and blow the sh#t out of your house.

Hmm…I wonder if theeth forgot the hotkey for banning people…

And please, stop calling it ‘America’ (it’s a continent, not a country).

is kansas_15 saying here that gays should be bombed? WTF is going on here. thank god i live in holland and not in the usa. that is the most stupid thing ive read from the fingers of kansas_15.

LOL Strategoi :smiley: