Year-Long Blender Tourney Week #27

If you wish to read the rules of the contest you can find them in past challenges (under #21)

Make a model related to the topic in some way. Post it here preferably with wireframes.
Entry deadline is 12 A.M. EST Thursday. Voting takes place all through Friday.

The Topic:

any prizes?

The satisfaction of winning and knowing your work is appreciated among a community;D

Interesting topic, will try and have a go, have sortof idea but not sure if I will have enough time.

Here is my go, very stripped down as most things I tried didn’t work.

@ stuart.t
Okay well by default you are the winner. Hm really wish there was more entries.

was a difficult topic, almost didn’t enter.

Well, guess what guys?
<— im back!

I can take the tourney back over if you’d like… i see there are two of you running it now.

Up to you guys ill be back on alot again. Been having trouble finding time but im good to go again now.

p.s. Its taken ALOT longer than i suspected it would and for that i apologize… T.T

Oh hey PurpleBat. Actually sdfgsdfg quit so I volunteered to run this. You can run it again if you want. Or we could just both run it.
Oh right. Welcome back!

Well I will roll off of this week and begin to ru it again… Solo preferably But if know that i cant do a week at some point or another ill inform u and u can substitute for me =P

But yea I felt bad ditching way back when But i just ended up too busy and the pc was having troubles with practicqlly everything!

Anyhow thanks And im glad to be back!

Sent from iPod

Ok well ill stick with the Thursday Idea… Ill have to change the time a bit. And votes will continue on for a week. Not everybody can make it on fridays. I myself know this because i run an MTG tournament every friday. Anyhow. im Brainstorming a list of new topics! Cya all this thursday

This week is extended to next. We need/want to have at least 2 people for the voting otherwise its a bit pointless. This was a bit of a difficult topuic but i think someone else could pull through for us =P

Uh yeah… sorry about that. Really didn’t see it as that hard of a topic.

eeh its no problem just need another entry! :wink:

eh i figured i would do something for this…i’ll have an entry posted sometime in the next six hours.

okay so this was done in 26 hours. plus i managed to sleep.

De-Evolution of Style

full resolution image:

KK ill make the next contest later this evening and make it due next thursday. And also its just hit me in the face… we need to drop all the monthly stuff… i was gone for far too long to pick it allback up the way we once had it. Ill add the new rules to an external link (so as to save some memory)
The next topic will be “Drinks”
Make a model of you favorite pop,soda,any refreshment. You can either do the bottle or can, both, or put one or the other into a dynamic scene. Its all up to you.