If you wish to read the rules and how-to of the contest you can find them at this link (broken link for now) sorry, ive yet to find time to get to this rules page… i will try to find time this weekend.
The Topic:
-make a trophy for an imaginary competition
-a trophy from a sporting event or any convention.
All entries are due
.-" September 27 / next Thursday. by 7:00 PM Eastern standard time - U.S. "-.
Common, get creative.
Mine is a pilot medal of honor to E.D Orgor (apologies for making up false names) for their sevice during the battle of Quorat (sorry for making up false futures as well)
Anyways it taught me a lot about volumetrics using blender
Well… considering when i had to leave the contest in the hand of other people for a while, when i came back… well it was empty. If i could get a good amount of people around again then i wouldnt mind doing it again…
Everybody in favor of these contests. PLEASE send me a PM…
Once i get 10 msgs i would put up week 30 and msg you all telling u about it.
I didnt like the idea but 2-3 weeks “should” be long enough to get at least 3 entries…
Hope to get some response! i enjoyed doing these!
and there is a plus-side
----- Even though i havnt been doing these contests, ive been jotting down topic ideas. =)
Kk then its settled I will put up votes for ths thurs and start a new week if this one works out well i will continue for a good while!
Compete n this if u like!
Cycles… Yea sure Cycles will soon be replacing enternal blender anyhow