Yes finally

this is so awesome - I want to have it:!

what a bummer, it’s Apirl 1st, I would have so wanted to use this. :frowning:

Every year, love the sense of humour! :slight_smile:

I loved this one: Google Maps for NES 8-Bit:

Best regards

Here you go.

Man that is inefficient, 2 buttons to do Morse code? All you need is one!

I was expecting to get Rick Rolled

oh man! How come good ideas are meant to be jokes!?
That would be really cool.
I would definitely buy an Android phone now

I really hope it’s not an April’s Fools prank :confused:

Hmmmm I guess it’s still alpha ware. In beta they will find out that a “send” button will come in handy. And you are another step back to the old multiple keys- problem.

It’s definatley a joke! If you try to download it says something like its too popular and to check back tomorrow! XD

guys it is a joke but google always makes them very profesional looking.

the NES google maps is cool as well.

now, this is groundbreaking, again from apple…

wow… I didn’t realize until i tried… google maps “quest mode” does exist!!!