Yet another car 62 Karmann Ghia WIP

Thanks for the link strapazie! Yeah that would be helpful but yes that would probably be used in the next vehicle that I attempt as this one is too far along and I don’t have a base mesh to use to shrinkwrap it to but this would come in real handy. Might go back and venture onto the vette and practice on it as I have a clean base mesh for it, just gave up on it cause of the curves that had additional cutouts in it for air vents and headlights that are not just a circle or oval shape. The main problem I ran into with this model however though is getting the rear wheel bubble look then carry it down towards the bottom of the rocker panels (bottom edge of door/body) there is a nice smooth bubble that goes into a hard edge/inset so adding loops to it causes pinching and deforms the mesh adding a mean crease doesn’t seem to work either. At this point though I think I am just going to carry on with it and see how far I get, mainly as a learning experience for insert drumroll another car. Was thinking about maybe trying an Opel Gt next. Thank you again for the link, I did learn something I did not know about the matcap setting, didn’t know you could adjust the shading of it like that. Kind of made me want to puke when I turned it on and looked at the body of this monster. Looked like it was made with playdough by a little kid. But now I know and knowing is half the battle.

Here is some of the playdough looking matcaps in wireframe LOL

Maybe I should toss the clean look and make it a well used Ghia with dents and rust spots ROFL

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! :smiley:

Edit: Come to think of it, it’s not such a silly idea. Doing that convincingly would be just as much of a challenge as doing a mint one.

Got rid of the image background and made something in place of it and tweaked a couple more areas of the body.

256 samples 1hr render on laptop

Looks better. The previous post was really showing all the “car park damage”.

LOL I like that, “car park damage” Thanks, still a lot more to learn on and tweak even more. Was going to add a km sign on the side of the road but I heard my laptop say “No more”

i like the HDR Map, the car fits good in there :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: I will probably use the HDR in the final project it did seem to fit pretty good. Just tried making a grassy background in blender to have a 100% blender created render without using images to cut corners. Thank you again for responding.