Yet Another F1 Wip update 4/7

im now working on two projects (maybe 1) my F1, and my stairs thing. this is kinda an odd f1, with my own style, might look hard to use right now, but dont worry, there will be alot of reason for the disc brake :smiley:
keep in mind this is a WIP, so things like the brake cable (ROCKETSS!!!) will be inserted soon

ideas for a scene would be nice

EDIT>> little update

ooooh rockets,i cant wait

looks geat by the way

you need to put two huge jets on the weel, then have thrusters everywhere. and have pipes commin out of everything. that would be awesome. superunibike!! lol

oh good job btw

anyone else have any ideas? maybe for an environment?

How about a driver dressed like drivers from long ago; goggles, the scarf, etc…
It’s looking good btw…

Hehe :wink: Crazy!

(Try to hit SubSurf once more time on the mudguard…)

heres an update, please crit the colors, no tex’s yet, but color wise, what colors should be where?

Hee hee hee!

Nice take on the challenge subject!



Hee hee hee!

Nice take on the challenge subject!



hehe, thanx man

still to be added
-particles from rockets
-fix halo

anything u guys can think of…

work on the particles, need more work, but w/e

need to make the halo smaller

fix textures

add details, such as rocks and stuff


zoom in more so we can see the rider with the bike or change the perspective and make the alpha for particles shader to 0.100/0.300 or smth

This scene is really a waste considering the detail you put into the model.

I don’t mean to be harsh, but I think the environment spoils the work you put into the vehicle - it doesn’t fit to the detail you put into the vehicle.