yet another space scene

well working again on something.

this is going to be a scene that shows a holographic sensor/star map thingy.
and you will see the planets and sun that it shows outside.

well that’s the basic plan anyway.

at this moment the only thing i’m happy about is realy the sun and the look of the metal inside the space ship.

C&C welcome :slight_smile:

oo very funky, I’m extremely curious how you pulled this off-

very cool effects

I think its a very good idea that if executed well, will look awesome. If I were you I’d move the window aside or perhaps have more a “top down” view of the star map with the window above and out of the way, because it makes it hard to see what’s going on. Keep it up…I like the idea a lot.

i’d make the holographic things glow as well, very cool idea.

Well te good news is i’m going further with this project.

the bad news ismy harddisk died a couple of days ago and i therfor lost evrything.
happily i could save a very early version of this scene. (basicly only the 3 holo thingy’s and there shader)

now i’m trying to rebuild the rest of the scene. with little luck i must say.
oh well here’s my current status for the moment.

still tweaking the suns little by little to get the same effect as before.
but it’s pretty hard :confused:

MUCH better :slight_smile:

/me backs up all of his work to CD-RW

I like this version much better than the first. If you add the planets and those cool lines, it’ll be great :smiley:

wel new wip here, i managed to redo evrything in record time. (wel record time for me anyway)
and also implemented some new things.

still not happy with the sun. (mostly the holo version, since particles scale badly :slight_smile: it has to be done seperate)

C&C definatly wanted.

i also think i should have caled this topic diffrently :slight_smile:

woah! how’d you get the sun like that?!

I don’t like the blue particles going accross… and the holograph isn’t convincing, it looks solid :expressionless:

I don’t like to give crits like that, but I just don’t quite seem convinced…

for one you need static, not particles, and you need grainy objects, and see-through objects, that look like they are glowing

ummm i’ll try to describe as good as i can.

iit basicly exists out of 3 parts.

the globe itself. (i used a 4 or 5 subdivided icosphere)
this contains 2 shaders.
-clouds (i love clouds) noise size 0.390 noise depth: 0 hard noise
–col and nor on, at 0.3 and 0.5 color black
-stucci plastic noise size 0.07 turbulance 200 hard noise
–just nor at 5
the color of the globe should be redish, i used R1 G0.3 B0
some emit to do something to it. (i realy haven’t a clue why) 0.3
depending on your lighting you should toy with ref to get the right impact.
it should look dim red with black and dark red spots.
bit like lava would look in a old 3d game.

the second object is another globe that is said to give off particles. (static)
this should make te flares from the sun.
make it a bit smaller then the globe.
depending on the size of the globe set the rand to something like 0.02
the material of the particles should be red and halo.
halosize depending on the size of the globe.
my big sun takes 2.0 and my small sun takes 0.02 so just tweak it a bit.
alpha 0.3

the second globe should be the same as the preceding with the diffrence that;
rand should be about 0.01
size of halo should be about half of that of the flares.

now i don’t guarantie anything but that’s about my sun’s are made of.

I don’t like the blue particles going accross… and the holograph isn’t convincing, it looks solid :expressionless:

I don’t like to give crits like that, but I just don’t quite seem convinced…

yes i know, it’s also not finished yet :slight_smile:
but at some time i will get there :slight_smile:

for one you need static, not particles, and you need grainy objects, and see-through objects, that look like they are glowing

i think i can safely say that every use of particles in my scene are static particles.

see-trough won’t work. becouse the particles of the small sun are seperate they will ruin the look of the whole sun if i make the globe itself see trough.

and for some reason i can’t make objects that look like they glow. (after GXMonkey said the glowing thing, i tried to make it glow, to no avail.)

ok, by static, I meant noise…

you can give the textures a light blue tint, and up the emit factor a bit,

and you should be able to change the alpha of the particles too, I know that I have…

well for what it’s worth this is my latetst and probebly my last render of the image.
i still have loads of time to work on it. (it’s for a small contest)
but i’m getting rather tired of the image.

anyhow here it is.

now it’s startin to look purty cool, now if you add a particle emitter from the center, and have it spray all directions, and give it a noise texture, and make it transparent… see how that looks with your scene

okay… this is REALLY wierd.

when i scroll across your picture, theres these weird lines that scroll down along with it. but they like stay in the same place on my screen when the pic moves. they start and end INSIDE the window??


I think your graphics card is saying it wants out :slight_smile:

(I wouldn’t know though)

probably just an IE glitch

hye the sun in your second to last one was better than the last one IMO.

i think all you need to do on it is to switch the dark brown colour with an orange one and perhaps put on the afterglow script thingy

also add a halo around the sun so it looks like its emiting light, and also put a lamp in it so that it lights up surounding ojects. similar to the real sun outside.

also the scale of the plaents might be good to be chaged, e.g. smaller and moved outwards a bit.

other than that stuff its looking good.


Nice idea

Me, I’d just drop the window :expressionless: