Yet Another Yafray question

Hi guys. I have uninstalled PovRay, and installed Yafray. I have Python 2.2. Now what I am wondering,…what now? I have heard mention of:

– Yable

– Yablex

– Extractor.

Taking into consideration that I am totally green at this stuff, what should I go with?

extractor is the easiest to use IMHO
and it rocks!

go on the site and skim through the forums there there’s a lot of good info available!

Thank you Phrangkk. Easy is just what I need.

Just one more question,…is there anything I should know about the installation? I mean,…does it come with an exe? should I open it and allow it to install, or is there a particular directory that I need to save it in?

extractor is just a python script that you open up in a text window and run
it will use any materials your objects have been assigned
there is a pdf included with the script that should answer most questions you might have
have fun!

I assume that means just save it anywhere. Thanks again man,…I’m goin’ in! keep me covered! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been poking around looking for insight into Yafray, Yable, Extractor, etc., and I am a bit confused as to what components are required to make a rendering. It seems like people are using Extractor, and Yable both in conjunction with Blender and Yafray. I thought they were basically the same thing? Are both required, or only one or the other?

Never mind, I got it to render something. I am definately going to have to fool with the settings, as my object came out so dark that I thought it was solid black before I jacked up the brightness and contrast in GIMP. but it worked!


I’ve been looking at both yablex and extractor to use in conjunction with yafray, and extractor looks the better to me due to the material pick up.

HOWEVER, I am unfortunately getting a nasty yafray.exe crash when ever I try to render the output created from extractor… Memory reference jobby :x Anyone else come across this? My yafray setup must be ok as I can render using the yablex output…

Thanks for any help you can offer.

No, I didn’t do anything with the XML, I just set it to render the output. I was a bit worried when I realized I had failed to add a background, which as I understand it is a no no, but while it gave a warning, it did not crash. Everything seemed fine, aside from me not knowing how to do the lighting properly yet. The one with no background just rendered with NO background. It was completely transparent outside of my objects, which actually was kind of cool. I hope you get yours to work.

Okey dokey, cheers Modron.

I’ll keep working at it, should I find a resolution I’ll post it here in case anyone else hits the same issue. I feel fairly confident that it’s a case of insufficient user IQ more than anything else, as you can see I’m a total noob :smiley:

I just loaded it in the text window, hit alt P, then render, then start export and it seems to work ok. Good luck sam.

Extractor rocks. Its the best and easiest IMO. It even comes with well written documentation. the newest version includes a feature ive been asking for for a loooooooooong time: face by face shader assignment!


Yeah I was reading about that, though I haven’t tried it yet. I haven’t even tried caustics yet. Super nifty program.

Ok, so now I know why my Extrator XML upsets yafray… For some bizzare reason the generated XML file also includes the Extractor python code in it!!! Anyone else seen this / know how to sort it out?


Many thanks to guitargeek… I somehow managed to assign the extractor python script as an external renderer! :expressionless:
