Fricken awesome - watch when they turn on the lights
BMW’s car concept with a soft skin.
Fricken awesome - watch when they turn on the lights
BMW’s car concept with a soft skin.
Its alllaaiive! zomg. no seriously, that thing is alien. :-/
I dont want to see it in a crash
I dont like very much the windshield - too old style for the rest
but the design itself is the hit - opening and closing spaces for
lights and engine room.
and folding doors and seats.
What the?! There’s a vajaja in the hood!
I guess you don’t have to worry about door dings anymore, but I hope nobody with a pocket knife walks by…
Or even worse… you know how cats like to sleep on car hoods? He’d have that thing torn to shreds!
Woot Inflamable Cars !!!
Hopply never malfunctions - or you get pressed like egg in a snake and getting processed and in the end just your bones getting out in a rather nice scrambled something.
But to be seriously the eyes err frontlights are really strange. But if the hood would go up before collission with a pedesstiran which is conceptuanally not so new that wood be a seriously improvement besides optimisations of shape to actuall speed so cw goes down to optimum eventually using some neuronal net.
Border between reality and magic gets thinner and thinner…
Wouldn’t be much surprised to see the car doing about the same well as other cars in a crash,
as the surface really doesn’t make up even most of the structural integrity,
that thing would fold like paper in a crash anyway,
its the main(?) frame that you would have to worry about.
Though ill have to agree with roofoo about the pocketknives.
I has to fold for absorbing the energy. For the hood i meant to get more space between hood and motor so if people hit the hood they are not hitting the harder inner parts underneath there. I dont know about other country and upstackles along street but serious accidents happens in germany when a car hits a tree especally if they wrap around them (side crash). - “Da hat sich wieder einer um den Baum gewickelt.” Those trees are planted in planned spacings along countryside highways to help for estimating speed and distance @62,5 mph max speed.
Sorry, but for me it looks like an old WWI bi-plane, balsa wood and cloth material drawn over it. What’s with the headlights, it looks like a modern day “Christine” car.
Wonder what it looks like giving birth.
uuh… i could never sit in a car like that…
looks hideous.
This car makes rioting easy,you don’t need a RPG,you can use a match or two and burn the car making it KA_BOOOM
I can see it having a gimicky go in a Bond film as a gliding transformer or something, but as a practical thing?
I’d rather a six-pack of Peel Tridents…
I just realized something… So it’s called “GINA”? Is that prefixed with a “VA”?
Ahaha, I was just about to say, its aching for some RPG’s to pop out of in a couple dozen places just like in Bond movies, but it seems I’ve been beaten there
Nice but not practical, I’d never buy one.
Such a cool car. I saw it on TV on the news a while back.
The designer mentioned that most of the ‘crash absorbency’ can be designed into the inner framework, the outer shell of a car doesn’t always play much of a part in the overall strength of the vehicle.
The lights are very cool though, and performance would be great with the power/weight ratio. Imagine driving a piece of fabric with a V8 engine powering it. :evilgrin:
It’s very good, seamless.
So instead of rust in 10 years you end up with saggy cloth?
Rather than stone chips in the bonnet you end up with holes? At least rather than learning welding to do DIY car body repairs you just need some needle and thread…