You know you've been raytracing too long when...

You know you’ve been raytracing too long when:

… The first thing you do each morning is see if your job from the previous night is progressing well/finished.

… You refuse to eat any food you can’t render.

… You think to yourself “cool lens flare effect” while you’re watching REAL lensflares on TV, off car windscreens, etc.

… You take a photo course just to learn how to get the lighting right.

… You spent the whole of Titanic wishing the actors would get out of the way.

… Intel announce the PII/400 and your first comment is “but that’s only twice as fast!”

… You let a scene take a solid week to render, only to reject and delete the final image.

… You find yourself fascinated by things other people don’t even notice.

… You think using photoshop is cheating.

… You think you can do better than reality.

		 			      ... You think these quotes constitutes a violation of privacy. 

source and more quotes:

… You think these quotes constitutes a violation of privacy.
You don’t know how much joy that one phrase put in me.

… You spent the whole of Titanic wishing the actors would get out of the way.

That one was good too.

… You think using photoshop is cheating.

This one belongs in the “You know you’re a Pacifist when…” thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that… so freaking true. :slight_smile:

When things at first don’t appear and then suddenly appear because they had to finish rendering before you could see them.

Would if that was a stoplight?!:eek:

I have actually done that afew times, except not just with lens flares. I’ve looked at actual photos and thought, “That’s pretty good modeling, and I like the lighting rig, and the AO is so realistic- oh yeah, that’s a real photo!”

I’ve noticed that I try to imagine a topology for almost every object I see, and I also frequently to invision how a Blender scene of what I see in front of me would look.

And BTW, Is this a spoof of:


I’ve seen it on many YouTube channels long before this thread was made.

Why does everyone always stop replying to a thread whenever I make a post? : (

You have a thread killing virus on your machine which implants itself into all of your posts, instantly making the thread dead.

Or you may just not be very interesting and know how to make thread killing posts:confused:

Well, that was enlightening.

No, the “you know you’ve been * too long when…” meme was already in place far before youtube or even internet most memes existed. They generally come from newsgroups.
