If anyone wants to make a script to export from blender to unrealed3 for unreal tournament 2004 maps i would like be your best friend or something.
It comes with maya PLE and a really slick export plugin, but ive spent literally all day trying to make sense of maya, and am now convined satan himself made the thing. I spent an hour and a half trying to make something that i could do in 2 minutes in blender.
I dont write it off to not knowing the interface, more of a fact that the interface sucks in the first place. I cant even figure out how to create faces, extruding takes like 5 clicks, ugh…
i understand your frustration, but i disagree about the maya interface. considering the thousands of functions, maya has one of the best and most efficient interfaces around. however, it takes some time to get used to it.
ok, once you have a mesh (let’s start with a cube), use the marking menus to go to face selection mode (right click over the object and pull down to “face”). all the tools you need are found in the “MODEL” mode (pull-down-selector top-left of the screen) in the menu “Edit Polygons”. here you have, bevel, extrude, wedge etc. etc… i think you also have a create point tool. to create polys (between exisiting edges) use the “Append” tool. … well so much more, i don’t remember right now. how ybout you have look at some maya modelling tutorials? then you could familiarize yourself with customizing the interface, making your own marking menus for modelling to avoid the annoying menu-hunt…