You may remember this model

I just did a Yafray render of it to see what it would look like. I forgot to set the mesh smooth option, but oh well, what can you do. :-?

Just a hemi light and that is all.


awesome!!! that seriously kicks some serious arse. except the eyes, the eyes suck. but it still kicks arse. :smiley:

the eyes rock the whole face rocks! it rocks BgDM! =D

i think the lack of set smoth gives it a good texture in a wierd way.

i like.

now finish it damnit!


I was waiting for someone to say that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I will, eventually. I have other things to do first though.


yafray doesn’t do it justice …


I do infact remember this model, good to see it again. The render dosent look too too bad either, it just needs all the hype materials and i bet it would look great!!! :wink:
Keep on working on it when you get the time man, and lets see if you can finish him, maybe even rig him up for later…!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Very nice :slight_smile:

but make it Crystal!


I like YAFRay images with only Hemilight set on. They looks impressive to me.

Very nice modeling,
It’s look preaty good


Well, this is one of the best work I have seen in this forum.
It is really creative piece of art.
I like it a lot.
keep the good work.

yeah cool! looks real good, i always like this model

explains why it looks so crappy

i liked the old one better, but i bet you’ll work on this one to make it even better than the old one…i still have the old one in my “artwork” folder… :wink:

Thank you. But I can assure you that there is much better here than this one.

You still have those images? What the hell for? :smiley:

Well, since everyone seems to be interested in this one again, maybe I will crack open the blend file again and start working on it in the near future.

I have like 6 blend files that I need to get done first though. :wink:


You still have those images? What the hell for? :smiley:

there’s no proper reason…its just that im too lazy to throw them away… :wink:

GREEAAT! :o it seems like covered with a dust fim. shouldn’t look good like crystal. keep workin on it. do you know arrogancy a flash animation? seems like a robot in the series.

come on you lazy arse, give us an update!

HEHE. Well, I will get back to this eventually. I have the following to get done first:

  1. F1 entry
  2. My other robot
  3. My Beast model & environment
  4. A bonch of other stuff
  5. Then this one again.


really tight work.