Your blender suck? is the BIG issue!!!

He implies it


Come on, if somebody says “That taste like shit.”, you’re not gonna ask him “But how come you know how shit tastes like”, unless you are 10.


Nice work for a noob. Every eye has its own painter. Maybe just choose some positive words next time.


O.m.g MY RENDER on a good free soft will not suck.

  1. For respect hard work of blender’s coder and blenderfondation…

  2. Because i wan show good Art work and make money with them… hhuuuu no comment.

  3. …personal

Tea_Monster: Elitist? Huh? Maybe if you secretly think that all your renders “suck”.

>.<" hole hole !! your thought its very hard for this little blog lol .

if all artist or graphiste3d “autodidact” wan MAKE MONEY:RocknRoll: or to reveal their talent
(“i” “you”) they will need to know how exposed works to them.
take example on the elitist system for rocks on blender:ba:. (do you wan an example or a picture :eyebrowlift2:)

Endi: gotta say your repetition is beginning to bother. I wonder if it someone hacked into your account to keep running that same old mindless 3DS joke.
:wink: =>

endi: blrender is suck yeah
you must use 3dsmax to make professional renders
but if you turn to 3dsmax, do not leave this forum. you have big work here. you must open topics with feature requests…
I come from 3dsmax and I dont found over there anything which can retain me:

yeahhh :cool: 3dsmax will leave the game, anyway!
lo/ after 3dsmax 2010 … 2011…after 2012…(o.m.g)?.. hmm… :eyebrowlift: how many?!! autodesk will need found an other strategy for this soft :spin: …

toontje :…6_course30.pdf


True. I just made the comment as a response to your sarcastic money joke. :wink:

Saying something like “The article didn’t require money,if you paid for it you are bleh,” wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Also, the time spent chasing those vague leads will probably make a person as jaded as the article’s OP.

And about your question, I personally did not find this stuff useful,

[QUOTE]Oh yeah. And instead he gives you some useful advice… really pointless.
I want my money back.

since I already learned it before I read this list (at least the ones I find important here: story and drawing). But it might be useful to some who seem to have no idea about these things.

You called it useful. Which is why I pointed out the ways in which it is not. I thought both sides of that coin should be seen.

Also I do not agree with all his points, for example I really disagree with point 3, I think you can learn a lot of stuff by copying something far more successful, that’s also how many of the famous traditional animators got started.

Yeah, that’s where I stopped reading the first time through.

Yes, and hard work yields success, the key to life is to be happy, don’t let your problems get you down… these are all good motos with truth behind them, but lack in any usable information.

@Michael W

What he implies to one person can be very different to another. If one person thinks a site called blenderguru that basically slams on beginners efforts implies the author is a jerk, then that one person may be mistaken. But if many believe so, perhaps there is something to it.

Personally I just thought he should’ve provided more usable information.

Some food for thought, though. In a manner that is consistent with the archetype of a jerk, when seeing that the post received negative criticism, the response was the typical “I’m just kidding.”


LOL. A paradox. Keeping with fairness, perhaps the reason the post incites so much emotion is because you recognize what he says to be true, on some level. That is not saying that what he says is true, only that you, a small part of you, believes it to be so.



xD WTF?? : anyway my render will not suck

Yes. What I meant is, it will be useful to some. :yes:
But okay. Whatever. As I said, I totally understand if people don’t like his tone, fair enough.


And the arguments over what the list should’ve been and arguing over what and who is elitist is officially on this forum too.

I’m not going to look stupid by responding, but if Redbyte tears up this community, CGTalk, and other CG communities I think we can call him the destroyer of communities, seriously, I wonder how many other communities have a large thread because of this article with the thread being nothing more than a mudslinging festival.:rolleyes:

Ypoissant, I always have respected your opinion because they get right to the point with a high level of expertise. And in this it is not an exception. You took the words right out of my mouth.
This article is addressed at beginners and he says something in the line of don’t do the usual super detailed orc that a professional modeler would take days to sculpt.

Well, even this subject is cliche as a simiiar subject appears on pages 40 to 44 of issue 124 of 3DWorld.

I’m not going to look stupid by responding, but if Redbyte tears up this community, CGTalk, and other CG communities I think we can call him the destroyer of communities, seriously, I wonder how many other communities have a large thread because of this article with the thread being nothing more than a mudslinging festival.:rolleyes:

You’re being overly dramatic again CD.

I don’t see much wrong with the list, it just has to be taken as the opinion of someone, which may or may not apply fully to a particular work, or at all, to your way of thinking.

You chose this path.

And now I have a surpRIse for you.

You are breathing manually!

M@dcow, I just have to say, your correct usage of “you’re” has made my day.
Not being sarcastic. :U I’m so used to flinching at incorrect use.

Serious letdown here, the article should have been called “10 reasons why your render is boring”

Only one of his points actually relates to renders that SUCK, which is the lighting remark, the rest is just things he doesnt like in “artwork”.

A render only sucks if you have poor skills at the program, if you create a perfect realistic render of a plain old chair, IT DOESNT SUCK. It might not win a creativity contest, but its certainly not BAD!

Also, this article has a picture on the main blog page:

which implied he will actually show useful information, thats why i clicked it in the first place.

BlenderGuru has always been a pretty good source for some nice tutorials and tips, except the RobertT interview and this crap.

I go to BG to learn something, not read rants, the banner image clearly suggested I’d get some nice red-lining of renders that suck and a point by point example of the why.

Instead i read something about stock models and trolls with boobs that are bad bad evil things that apparently permeate the industry.

I like rants, i really do, but they better either be funny, or informative, this was neither, it was just an angry guy yapping.

Im suggesting he names his next article:

“3D is a tool, and so are you!”

i chuckled at this :smiley:

Thanks for reading my article guys! I never expected it to garner so much attention. It was really just a fun little article I wrote whilst at home sick.

Sorry so many of you found it elitist and pointless.

That’s a hell of headline. I might just do that.

Hey redbyte,

Read the article and this thread (not any of the cgtalk reaction or blog comments) and I think much of the stirring came from the tone of the article. I don’t necessarily agree on every point, but generally it seems as though “10 tips to refine your renders” and then basically the same points re-worded would probably have gone down quite differently. If you were sick and had just scrolled through 20 threads on bikini wearing cave trolls I can see how that writing tone might have come up. :slight_smile:

Anyway, short reply in your above post - fairly well explained.

Happy blending everyone! :slight_smile:

Funnily enough, I originally titled the article “10 common mistakes in 3d”, but then thought I’d try my hand at a more controversial title so I changed it.

I understand now that the tone of the article was wrong and has pissed off a lot of the wrong people (like everyone on CG Society). So hopefully in a few months this will all wash over and people will forget it?

Oh well. At the very least I got a huge spike in traffic and RSS subscribes so yay for me! :slight_smile:

That ol’ joke is going to be posted every day until we like it.

My hypothesis is that Endi is actually a spam bot.

redbyte, I hope you learned your lesson that creative people need to be coddled, tough love makes them break down and cry.
On the bright side though hate mail can be the most entertaining kind!

Man people can be uptight.

What the hell?

Why is everyone having a meltdown over this?

You guys have got some serious problems lurking under the hood if you seriously think that by writing a kind of tounge-in-cheek ‘guide’ that he is somehow trying to undermine the community!!!

What IS going on with you lot?