I found blender years ago after playing the game “Blade of Darkness”. There is a scene where an orc holding a torch is walking around a bridge in a cavern. Great ambiance. That was it for me. Even without normal maps, spec etc - just flat textures.
A Liquid Television short about a giant mechanical cockroach and a fellow by the name of Captain Sarcastic. The mech-cockroach was CG, and maybe a couple of other elements, but if I recall correctly it was mostly 2D, but I liked the way they were combined.
And Virtua Fighter… All the old games where they didn’t use any texture mapping. Those are the sweetest looking games ever. >click<>click<>click<>click<
Final Fantasy VII. I had watched Beast Wars, Toy Story, ReBoot and lots of CG stuff before then, but it wasn’t until my old 286 computer was replaced with something more modern, and I saw the opening sequence for the game (PC version), that I started searching for a 3D application.
My dad played with it and one of my cousins did really neat things with Anim8or. So I asked my dad for a 3d program. He gave me Anim8or and I wore out everything, so he gave me Blender to get me started. He wanted me to use Maya or something, but I’m not giving up Blender. Sory to be a little of topic.:yes:
I think some time ago about 10 + years ago when I was introduced to 3d Studio in Dos . . . I never figured it out then - too young for discipline to learn + internet was still something of a fad at that time.
need for speed 2… SE, Webmasters Superscape 3D (some VRML website builder i found on a extras disc for Graphics card)… the the editing tools for need for speed 3 and 4
For me I have to say FF7. I remember that scene in Midgar with the train going by and just being awestruck. I’d also have to say the first Tomb Raider because that was the first serious 3D game I played. I remember parts in it like the T-rex coming out and just the amazing levels in that. As a gamer I’d have to say pretty much all the games I play inspire me somehow.
wow, all this nostalgia made me remember some of the most awesome games. Anyone remember “Stunt Island”? I remember seeing it in a magazine and wanting to play it SO bad, but i didn’t have a computer at the time. I’ll have to try and find a copy of it now.
You could do all these stunts and make movies and crap with it. Here’s one of the best ones on Youtube: STUNTZILLA!!!