Mine is Alex from street fighter 3
well am old school and have never really played anything beyond the street fighter 2 series, I used to play this a lot at the arcades. I am split two ways as to who is my favorite fighter if someone annoyed me and I really wanted to be unfair than I used to play with Sagat, he is the most unbalanced fighter and in the right hands is almost unbeatable I believe he was even soft banned in tournaments because of this. But Ryu was probabley the one I played with the most he is a very forgiving character to play with and about the easiest to learn.
Akuma -> Best balance, best specials.
Akuma I donβt know what he is like in the newer editions but in the older ones he was more unbalanced than Sagat. He was overpowered and in the hands of a half decent player you would lose against him and I mean lose. largely due to his combos and air fireball he was tough to get around.
I would have to say either M. Bison or Chun Li. I also liked Cammy.
I used to play as Ken.
PS. Outside of the US most people (or at least I) knew the characters by their Japanese/original names.