Your Technique

Hi all:
Very curious about how others are using their input setup in Blender:

why does it matter? I can feel an agenda, especially with the “want something better” entry…

No options in your poll fit my habits so I can’t vote…
you missed off “one hand on a stylus”, either pure touch screen on its own or tablet with keyboard…

I never use a mouse if I can help it.

I use one hand on keyboard, other on mouse or Wacom Bamboo =) I got last week …I try not to use the mouse much anymore I suppose

Sure I have an agenda, Blender is hard (for me) and I am trying to give myself every advantage in using it. We use Blender where I work and it’s on me to teach newcomers how to use it .

You use Blender with a touch screen? hmmm that’s cool. Thanks for the other thoughts.

I use my laptop - the default setup only.

Well I think his point is that instead of making a cute little poll why don’t you just come right out and tell us what’s on your mind. Maybe we can help!

and since the poll itself is missing some options at least at the time of his post, then the data is just gonna be a total misrepresentation anyhow - whatever ur intention is in how ur going to use it

Great thing about Blender being open source - If you have an input method that you like better than the ones currently available, you can program it as an option.

Fortunately, so many things are already customizable. I myself haven’t had any problems with input methods. Although I could use a larger monitor (or two)… :slight_smile:

Easy Kayeva, just trying to work out the best way to do this. I may have been working under a false assumption that Elysiun was a friendly helpful place.

escuse me?! but on THIS planet I was offering to help you out and to listen to you I’m not sure what planet YOUR on

I really don’t know what u are talking about

Easy man, that’s probably just a kid who is proud that he can make a poll in this forum… :slight_smile:

Btw, add to your poll also keyboard + mouse with a 3 buttons without a wheel, so that I will be able to vote… :smiley:

Hey, sorry if you though I was “off”,

for your needs, you’ll find that because of blenders reliance on key shortcuts and because “most” computers have 3 button mice often with a scroll wheel that is a good combo and one that is designed for first…

A tablet adds the ability to use pressure data (great for painting and sculpting) but at the expense of “comfortable” middle and right mouse action… (sure you can set the rocker/side switch of your stylus for that…

Personally i like the “emulate 3 button mouse” option that pretty much makes ALT + Left click into MMB…

hope that was of some use…

one hand on keyboard the other on the my waccom tablet…

I use foot pedals in addition to mouse/keyboard.

I would also like to add:
Standing up on the commute train, using one hand for everything. Only in Blender could this be done.

Foot Pedals?

I use mouse / keyboard. I find the idea of using a tablet for most of the computer tasks to be really interesting. I have a tablet, but I only draw with it. I tried doing my normal tasks with it and found it to be a pain in the ass to keep putting down / picking up the stylus to type things.

Blender is designed to be used with the left hand on the keyboard and the right hand on the mouse. Most of the common keyboard commands and shortcuts are located on the left side of the keyboard or a combination of left-side keys. It takes a while to get used to using them, but once you do it’s a breeze to switch between tools. I almost never have to pull up a menu anymore unless I’m adding a new mesh or something.

I almost don’t even have to look at the keyboard anymore when I’m modelling,
just for ‘ctrl m’ type manuevers, but you have to use the keyboard :smiley:

By jove, that’s brilliant!

Dream set up:

3D Connexion in left hand with hot keys all around, probably mod a keyboard, and get the cheap one.
Maybe a Wacom Tablet in the right (sounds fun), or a mouse with lots of buttons, or touch screen .:slight_smile:

Foot Pedals sound pretty handy too.

Here are the pedals I use. They can be bound to any key combo or a set macro. Right now I use them with modifier keys (ctrl-shift-alt) since those keys require me to put my hand in a weird position that fatigues them over time. I figure I might change them to layouts or different contexts in the future though.

I dig em.’

I’d love other creative ideas on how to best put these puppies to use :slight_smile:

No worries man, I am used to on boiling blood in all those years when people talk about Blender, you know, where is love is also… :smiley:

But yeah, a mouse wheel is of course useful, BUT you must find a good one, because most of the wheel buttons are utter crap! Heavy to click, heavy to roll, big inaccurate wheel steps or combination of all such a nice features… That’s why I now use on my station some old Logitech mouse without a wheel which have at least nice, easy to press buttons. Lucky for us - old time compatibility guys, have Blender efficient ctrl-alt-shift keyboard combo, so it’s use of a mouse without a wheel very comfortable! After all, that’s very important after all those millions of clicks, right?!

And yeah, I don’t like joystick for a current Blender GUI use either! :slight_smile: Hey, we’ll be able to use it in the next 2.5 BGUI easy?! I believe that will Mr. Python make super mega double awsome BGUI magic, so everything is still possible, even that I will change my mind about the way of BGUI use on my next wristwatch … :smiley:

Hey CNC, add Joystick in your poll too! :eyebrowlift: