Your thoughts on what could happen with the US

Okay, I know, I love my country and I love president Bush, but it’s things like this that gives a reason for worry

Now I wonder how the heck Washington is going to erase this. It seems like we’re at the point of no return as of now. President Bush’s approval rating is very low as of now and not far above Nixon’s, insurgents in Iraq is threatening to make the US’s valiant effort to make a democracy useless and it seems to be veering into civil war. Intelligence and security failures are all over the place. There was a huge failure in Hurricane Katrina responce even though you would think the scope of it is to blame.

Now I wonder as I would like for you to ponder these questions

1). Can the US rebound its deficet without a president that would try to be making things like gay marriage legal?
2). Can President Bush even survive in office until the next election?
3). Is there anyway to prevent the US economy and the US itself from falling into pieces?
4). Is there a possibility the US could suffer a breakup like the former Soviet Union (as in becoming several different countries)?
5). Can the US keep the Dollar from going to rock bottom?

I would like to hope President Bush can pull this country through because I support consevative presidents but I would like to know how the US will be able to survive with these mounting problems like the deficet.

You hear a lot of good things like the economy growing but the underlying problems is nothing to ignore.

Okay, I know, I love my country and I love president Bush, but it’s things like this that gives a reason for worry

It’s interesting to look back at history, especially the second to last paragraph of this article:


Bush put america where it is today, not who came before him…

When Clinton left office he left bush with a SURPLUS in the federal budget.

We are now how many Trillions in debt…?

We are being held hostage by Arab gas producing countries who bush calls allies in terroism.

I hate bush, and I will not give him the respect of the name president. He is the worst thing that has ever happend to america since Nixon. Shame on you for voting for him and shame on you for supporting the deaths of 1,000’s of US troops. Americans who died for noting. I hope god forgives bush for the pain and death he has caused to millions around the world.

What does gay marrige have to do with America’s debt levels?

I don’t think so, America has been getting into other countries business for years.

Bush is the worst president ever. Period.

America will not be the same country it is today in 5 years. It will be much more of a state run fascist society. I can’t help but feel it may very well look like Iraq soon, with strange, uncoordinated sectarian violence. The social issues will take back stage to civil unrest and civil insecurity.

When the American economy collapses, when people’s “investments” in their houses collapse due to the real estate bubble popping, the Euro and high oil prices turning the dollar to toilet paper, many people will begin to lose jobs, due to high labor costs, and international competition. Men who cannot provide the level of comfort their families demand can get violent.

Right now, Bush’s foreign policy is starting to show cracks all over, even some neo-con founders, like Frank Fukiyama, are jumping ship, saying Bush did it all wrong. The real nightmare will be when people realize how much 350,000,000,000 for a failed war in Iraq is really going to cost us.
All plans called for much more oil flowing by now. In fact, oil is still hardly flowing at pre-war levels.

When the war first started, some Fox pundits were quoting $1.7 billion, Bush asked for $80 billion, and congress almost went ape. LoL

Bush is not a conservative, he is the BIGGEST SPENDER EVER, BY FAR!

The only hope, is America realising we are all in this together, and we will all need to make sacrifices to save our economy… but I am afraid the left is far too angry for comprimise after the way the Republican run US government has acted. Revenge will be on the menu, and the right, IMO, will respond with violent revolution. Tis my forecast, and a grim one indeed.

Love is our only hope.

------->I have a lot of mixed feelings right now, I go to raves here in Seattle every now and then, and some guy shotgun blasted six ravers for being friendly to him.

Then I see a bunch of obvious conservative pricks on message boards cheering it, and saying it was the ravers faults, they are child molesters and druggies, etc. I had no idea some people hated ravers so much.

Lol, when we were saying we had to drop the debt of third world countries I had no idea the USA might be one of them!

If this happens then I should vote the US goes into an emergency breakup procedure, every state votes on wether to be its own country or be a part of a bigger one with other states. For example I think California, Arizona, and Nevada, would make a great single country if the US has to split up to save itself.

The main reason I would still support Bush, he supports christian beliefs and values and vows not to erase them from the government. But other then that, i’m not getting so sure anymore other then hope he can do something.

Do you realize that it’s the role of the Church to practice Religion and the role of Government to practice Politics? Or maybe you think Religion and politics are the same thing?


Well i personally think that the USA’s economy is going to crash and maybe there will be a new civil war. Somethink similar to that is going to happen really soon, or it is going to get very close to it, because things cant continue as they are now.
And i dont rule out terrorist attacks.

The main reason I would still support Bush, he supports christian beliefs and values and vows not to erase them from the government.

Until now he is doing what the oppisite of Christian acts. Sure, he may participate in sunday rituals and he hate gays, but that doesn’t make you a Christian. He is taking care of the rich, he lies, he’s a genetic drunk, he is a draft dodger, he consorts with the enemy (= Saudi Arabia, where there are no human rights whatsoever for non-Muslims), he is biligerant, his brother is a John with an appetite for asian hookers, he cheats at ellections etc et. Do you realy think that being against gays makes everything allright with Jesus? Jesus would say: He who is without sin, throw the first stone. But in his case it has gone beyond sin, and we need an avalanche to bury him.

What the USA needs is 5 Clinton-like presidents consectuitive. Saying you are a Christian and that you love Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian. Like you American say: Talk is cheap.

For now, the USA should just pull out of Iraq, invade Saudi Arabia (use the WMD excuse, it worked before), annexate that country, Cut NASA spending by 90%, exploring Mars doesn’t solve AIDS or unemployment or the drugs problem. Let NASA sell tickets to crazy billionaires to generate revenue. …Unless they’re shooting Bush to Mars, then I’m all for NASA.

Clinton was no angel.
He didn’t have the balls to get the CIA’s dirty fingers out of South America.
In fact he only made it worse with his “war against drugs”.
The day the US army bombed a Serbian public building thinking it was a chemical plant and killing a few hundred civilians, the word broke out that his cigar was accidentally boning his secretary so nobody bothered.
Most of his “good deeds”, accepting laws for the good of mankind, were made in the last months of his legislation, knowing in the back of his head that the next legislation has the right to simply erase all these silly laws which they promptly did.
Clinton was in fact worse then Bush, cause he was doing it behind your backs.

America’s economy colapsing…

That some how reminds me of what happened in the past. With presidents, the one who said “Americas bussines is bussines”. Then placed high tarifs on imported goods, which screwed America, and then anyone was able to take loans and pay back with loaned money.
Completely crashing the wall street market as it was built up on loaned money. :-?

Which was one of the causes of World War II.

I wonder if it will happen again… %|

Political desicions should not be based on your religion and what you think god would do.
Thats how most of these terrorist groups start in the first place.

I wonder if you could call Bush a terrorist to these other counties, he decides to attack on his religuose beliefs…?

So if this is all true then I guess keeping the US together is hopeless. Any findings of what most actual christians think of him? With his approval rating so low I wouldn’t be surprised if some people who are conservative don’t support him. Or what would they think of him providing this information gets out in the public?

If Bush is as corrupt as you say he is and is not just conspiracy and is in fact the truth then I would say break up the US if the economy really collapses and it becomes poor unless they’re able to pull it through like Roosevelt did in the 30’s.

Kinda makes you think John Titor was just off a couple of years, eh? :wink:

Bush is not a conservative. Besides hating gays where is his conservatism? Govt. has ballooned to giant proportions and is growing rapidly. He’s a better democrat than the democrats are, why do think they are so confused and can’t find a platform.

Bush is not a real Christian. He is closer to the Taliban. He uses, distorts, and abuses Christianity for his own personal gain. And since when is hate and bigotry a vital Christian value? I was always taught to love my fellow man, no matter who he is or what he believes. Even if I vehemently disagree with their lifestyle, last time I checked it was God’s job to judge, not mine.

Let’s see, back in 2000 I was just a normal US citizen, but now I am a terrorist. How do I know? It’s printed on my plane ticket so I get the royal treatment, like the guy rubbing my balls and stuff. You’d think they’d realized by now that I’m whiter than white and am not a vital security threat that has to be extensively searched before every flight. I no longer fly to places I can drive to in less than 24 hours. It’s just not worth the hassle.

The worst part is he doesn’t believe in the Constitution. I believe he was quoted as saying it’s just a damn piece of paper. To me, that’s treason.

I could go on, but seriously, I don’t think Elysiun has that much bandwidth.

the idea of the USA as a nation may break apart, true.
I believe it was Kaplan who wrote the USA will evolve into little communities each one different from the other.
An economic crisis may speed up that proces, who knows.
Concerning Bush’s christian values, I’m afraid most people don’t really care about his values because they either don’t believe or don’t let religion consume themselves.
I think it’s just propaganda from the conservative right.

Do you realize that it’s the role of the Church to practice Religion and the role of Government to practice Politics? Or maybe you think Religion and politics are the same thing?

Your religious beliefs do affect your political beliefs. Your political stance is based entirely on your beliefs, whether you claim they are religious or not.


Well if I was president and the economy was collapsing (hard) and I couldn’t do anything i’d say to the state goverments to form groups or go by themselves and form their own countries. Like the new england states would form one. The desert states another. Florida would do fine on its own maybe with Georgia though ect…

Though I’d rather save a breakup of the US for a most dire emergancy which may come soon if what’s said here is true.

I never said that Clinton was an angel. He’s kinda of a black ops poster boy. All presidents are dirty, that’s inherit to the job. But he realy did a good job on trust (the sexual kind and the social kind :p) and economy. What a difference between him and Bush. When Clinton was president on a state visit, people would come out to give him flowers, he would go to Jazz clubs to play his Sax. When Bush go to a state visit, he is very unwelcome, there are violent demonstrations in all countries he pays a visit, even in India they had rituals to cleanse where Bush stood.

Dwarvenfury, I know you are a devout Christian, even to that extend that you really believe that Adam and Eve really were the first humans and the world is about 4800 years old, but even Jesus said that you should give to Ceasar what’s his and give to God what’s his. That means basicaly that you can’t put politics in the equation of religion. He is the king of the kingdom of God not of man. That is what the Bible basicaly says right? So religion don’t have a place in politics and vice versa.

I don’t think that the US economy will collapse, or the US itself will collapse. She’s been through one already and survived it. I think they are to much mutual concern to keep the USA as a whole. The US has a piece of the world, but the world has a piece of the US too. We are all in the same boat.

The US should not do the same as the Romans did: dividing into multiple empires, spreading its military to thinly etc. The US should stay a strong military force. I’m no facist or something, but the simple fact that the word “enemy” exists means that the world needs a protector. If the US can’t provide that role, foreign businesses that has a share in the US will begin distrust the US. And that will act out in the demise of the dollar. As long the dollar is a strong and prefered currency, it means that the world trusts the US. But A) The US must stop abusing this position/ privelege and B) Stop this nonsense war immidiately. It wastes resources and the military, making the US vulnerable.

I don’t think the economy is in danger because of the debt or spending. Money doesn’t make the economy; resources and trust does. This war on terror really does damage to both, thus defeating its own purpose.

I said before that NASA gobbles to much money. But that is not a bad thing on its own. For example if you think spending billions to put a toy on Mars is waisted money, consider this: If I bake a cake for you and you payed me millions for it, the money didn’t disappear, it simply changed hands. The money will flow back into the markets eventualy. It is only a big problem if I baked that cake with the very last pound of flour on earth, then the money will lose its value after you eat that cake.

And right now someone should put Bush out of the cake buying business!

Well I read the entire post Machiavelli and I can say one thing.
If Clinton didn’t have his charms his presence would have been as welcome as Bush’s.