YoYo of the Week

Modeled after a Buzzon Rogue and a YoYoJam Black Knight (greek to you guys, lol).

All parts are to scale: Response System, Bearing, Axle (threaded), Spacers. Blender Internal, 20 minutes to model, 1 hour and 10 minutes to render at 2000x1800 (I was surfing and chatting in the background though :wink:

Its waiting for a CAD makeover at the moment, if its lucky and doesn’t wobble or vibrate, it will get mass produced for the yoyoing scene. (SHHHHH, DON’T TELL) :wink:

(the image links to its full size render, appx 1.4mb)http://www.axl3d.com/albums/userpics/10001/normal_02-01-07%28fixed-caustics%29.jpg

Wow, nice touch you have there. The shape looks very smooth especially with the HDRI