Yu-Gi-Oh Cards


I’ve recently engaged in a new hobby collecting rare Yu-Gi-Oh Cards. I know quite a lot about the cards and I’ve managed to get hold of some good ones but depending on whether it’s a Limited Edition Card or an Unlimited Edition Card can make a big difference in value.

So my big question is, does anyone know how you can tell the difference between Limited and Unlimited edition Yu-Gi-Oh Cards.

I know that this question really is quite off-topic but I just thought I’d give it a go.

I’d be greatful for any helpful response.



ALWAYS start with google. Starting on Elysiun looking for information about unrelated topics is like going to a nursing home to ask about snowboarding lessons.




search results


I’ve tried search engines such as Google many times but with no luck. I know posting this question in this forum was a shot in the dark, but somehow I still think is was worth a try.

Thanks for your response.


yugioh cards? ahahaha, you’ve gotta be a real loser to collect those! BWAHAHAHA!

NOTE: i’m just kidding of course. i think http://www.yugiohrealms.com should help. they’ve got a huge list of cards and probably stuff about rarity as well.

(Mazer) so criticising ones hobby makes you a winner. Right?

Some of these Yi-Gi-Oh Cards can be worth a lot of money and I enjoy collecting them. It was never my intention to impress anyone with my hobby. It was only a question.

u read his ultrasmall text rite?if not he was kidding, it says

“NOTE: i’m just kidding of course. i think http://www.yugiohrealms.com should help. they’ve got a huge list of cards and probably stuff about rarity as well.”

if u did, im jus makin sure

This whole “ultra-small-clever-text” thing is kinda getting lame…

sorry snake, i really thought you would’ve read my small text. there isn’t really any point in using unreadable text if nobody is going to read it, that’s why its so useful! if you read it, it would have been clear that i was joking (hell, i collect yugioh cards myself!)

Sorry Mazer, my sense of humour is much like my creative thinking, it comes and it goes.

So what are your most valued Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

PS: Thanks for the useful links everyone :slight_smile:

whatever i can mooch off my friends :stuck_out_tongue:
seriously, i have an overwhelming tendency to get crappy cards when i buy boosters so i usually just take extra cards that my friends don’t want. i’d saw blue eyes i guess, but it’s been so long since i’ve even summoned it in a duel so my most valuable (ie, favourite) would have to be the sasuke samurai.