Z pass limits?

can i define the limits of the z pass? …or does it automatically define the nearest and the furthest point with the objects in the scene?

blender help only says " Distance to any visible surfaces"

thanks for help


PS…as it seems, if nothing is definable blender uses the nearest and furthest object to define it itself…thats right ?

Not sure exactly what numbers Z depth uses, but from the sounds of it you might want to use the Mist Pass instead, which performs a similar role but it allows you to set a custom start and end point which it converts to the 0-1 range.

You can set the Miss Pass by enabling it in the Layers properties, then setting the start and end point in the World Properties

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As it is a floating-point value, and not an actual color, I believe that it is storing the actual value for the distance in each pixel.

You can ‘normalize’ these values with a compositing node, so the closest value maps to zero, and the furthest maps to one. This has the side-effect of all the values shifting around as objects move around in the scene, and the distance for the closest and furthest point change.

You can get a more predictable (and less jagged) depth map by using the Mist Pass, and controlling the near and far points via the World tab in the Properties view.

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…this sounds very informative with the changing values…so i will check out the mist.thanks a lot you both!