Zabrak Warrior

Been watching the Star Wars movies, and it made me want to do something SW themed. So I decided to try my first character/head model. Wanted to do a Zabrak who looks like he’s been through a few battles. This is my fourth project, and I’m still learning to use Blender. My previous was the Nissan Skyline GT-R34 in this WIP thread. Learned to sculpt this from these tutorials:

Head Basemesh-
Head Sculpting-

Any comments are appreciated!


If anyone could offer some advice I’d like to know what the best way to go about texturing this would be. I’d like to render it in cycles. I’ve looked at texture paint tutorials but when I try to unwrap Blender crashes, I assume it’s because there are so many polys. I have a copy saved without the multi-res modifier applied also, just in case. Just using an image texture and I get horrible tile marks and some stretching. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Used retopology and baked the low poly onto the high poly to try and start texturing it. Lost some edges in the bake but not too many. I need suggestions on how to apply what would be black face paint or a tattoo to the model.