Hey guys,
Just recently, the guy who does sound engineering with me at work decided to get into blender a bit. He has never done 3D animation or anything like it, so I tutored him through modelling and the like and he is catching on VERY quickly.
The guy is obsessed with everything Transformers, so his first few models were all transformer-y things made from primitives. After a week or two though, I illustrated to him the benefits of box modelling and he has taken to it so well.
With all this new found power, Zac P. modelled a robot, and gave it to me for animation.
All I did was add some node effects to jazz it up, and I did the rigging/animation work.
It was actually a lot of fun, and didn’t take long at all to complete.
The reason why I have posted it here and not in the finished projects section is because its part of a larger animation test thing, and not strictly finished. Also, its only 12 odd seconds long. :yes:
some progression pics -
the vid (2.2mb) -
Hope you enjoy it, and please, comment on it!