- animation and images

Hey guys,

Just recently, the guy who does sound engineering with me at work decided to get into blender a bit. He has never done 3D animation or anything like it, so I tutored him through modelling and the like and he is catching on VERY quickly.

The guy is obsessed with everything Transformers, so his first few models were all transformer-y things made from primitives. After a week or two though, I illustrated to him the benefits of box modelling and he has taken to it so well.

With all this new found power, Zac P. modelled a robot, and gave it to me for animation.

All I did was add some node effects to jazz it up, and I did the rigging/animation work.

It was actually a lot of fun, and didn’t take long at all to complete.

The reason why I have posted it here and not in the finished projects section is because its part of a larger animation test thing, and not strictly finished. Also, its only 12 odd seconds long. :yes:

some progression pics -

the vid (2.2mb) -

Hope you enjoy it, and please, comment on it!


Great first model, he will probably be a very good blenderhead when he masters the skills.

As for the animation it was good however i found the node setup annoying and distracting…in my opinion it would have looked better just with AO…
The robot also looked weird when it landed from the jump…try to adjust that.
Keep on working on it!!

yeah, when he lands, he should bend down a little from the impact.

Thanks guys for the crits.

I don’t strictly agree with the AO only thing. I previously had him rendered like that, but it seemed just too simple and plain. The composite, in my mind, looks a lot better than an un-edited render. It was a toss up between the style in this image -

and the final rendered product.

Thanks for the comments guys!