Pablo Dobarro work is amazing, but unless im mistaken, sculpt cloth brush is a brush… and zbrush cloth is a whole system, you can see in the video the micro poly, micro poly presets, the cloth dynamic, and how all interacts.
There is no need to try it, you can already see in action how all zbrush tools interact with each other.
One big issue with the cloth brush in all my tests was performance - if the brush doesn’t really work on a dense mesh or if the effect radius has to be set very small to keep it from stalling then it’s more a hindrance than a help.
Also object/scene scale might have been an issue with it.
Fingers crossed that ZBrush has this covered and we can actually sculpt folds on a reasonably dense production mesh imported at whatever scale - ideally with active subdivisions and layers, too.
There actually is a second Pablo, and he’s Spanish as well. He coded the powerful Blender Atelier: Sculpt add-on, and also contributed one or more patches to Blender itself.
His name is @jfmatheu . Here’s his Twitter. I really hope the Blender Foundation recognizes his talent and hires him to complement Pablo’s work on Sculpt Mode.
All good, mate, we’re just talking here. Maybe I am being a bit harsh, but from the experimenting I’ve done with Blender cloth brush I’m not too impressed. The reason is because it isn’t a good enough tool(yet) for it to be useful in my workflow. Ultimately, this is what it’s about for me. I’m software agnostic and will utilise whatever tools I need to suit my needs. Now this is going to be different for everyone, and in its current state Blender Cloth brush is perfect for their needs, and that’s great.
Example: here’s a character I have on the go - he’s very much still a WIP and still a lot of work away from finished. The clothing base was done in Marvelous Designer. Clothing is synced with, and dynamically interacted with, the accessories. Great for a character like this, with all the straps and whatnot. Easy to set up in MD, and can be done in a few hours. This gives a pretty good base to take back to Zbrush and finalise the sculpt. Now, looking at Blender’s Cloth brush, is it going to be beneficial for me to skip the MD step and do this from scratch in Blender? For me, it’s an emphatic NO. I’m hoping this will change with Zbrush 2021 and I won’t have to go to MD as often. This will be a widespread attitude among many, many artists(and possibly studios) across the industry who are currently using MD for 100% of their character clothing workflow cases. The reality is that they won’t be holding their breath to see what updates the Blender Cloth brush receives…
We’ll have to wait and see though, but for me, Blender Cloth brush just has no practical workflow use.
Hope that cleared it up a bit for you.
Exactly my thoughts. I can sculpt cloth by hand if this is the case. Also, no matter what setting I use it leaves all these very unrealistic micro-wrinkles behind it.
I don’t think performance is going to be an issue, but as in all things in Zbrush, things work most predictably when you use its native scale(which just happens to play perfectly well with Blender’s native scale)
Having watched the stream, all I can do is quote myself…
Dynamic system(as I expected) is fantastic. It’s going to really add so much to the ecosystem. I could only laugh out loud when Drust showed the Snapshot 3D pattern process. Only Pixologic would think so cleverly out of the box like that.
While I was watching it there wasnt one moment ,except the gif file part, where I thought I wouldnt be using one of the new features. Im working on a model now and I realised Im going to get it done in half the time with the new features. I can even skip the Marvelous designer part now to for what Im creating atm. I agree when drust opened snapshot 3d I couldnt stop smiling.
With pixologic its just these little things too that are not only going to be just time savers but open so many doors as to what one can create. The performance speedup is something Im looking forward to testing. Tomorrow couldnt come around fast enough. Great release. Zbrush makes you feel like an adult with a powerful tool, yet a kid full of imagination and a toy that can adapt and morph at will … if that makes sense.
I think a lot of artists(and even studio pipelines) will be skipping the MD part. MD is always a part of the process that I enjoyed the results, but dreaded the labourious process of using the program. This system is very powerful.
Yes, Snapshot 3D is an often overlooked toolset. I’ve been using it more and more myself and it’s pretty great.
This is what I’ve long referred to as the ZB ecosystem. It’s why it’s so powerful. It’s fiendishly cleverly designed and all the tools and workflows work seamlessly and non-linearly to create endless possibilities. The workflows are constantly evolving. The whole time I was watching this, ideas were popping into my head about ways to use the tools.
Definitely. Very welcome, especially nice to see HD Geo get a boost.
Haven’t watched the whole thing, but I really like the way they have implemented cloth physics into multiple tools in ZBrush like the Transpose tool. Well thought out integration like that can always be appreciated.