ZEITGEIST 2. The free documentary.


whatch it online.


In before lock.

LOCK? Where from?

You may not have noticed, but every single conspiracy-related thread over the last few months has ended in a flamewar.

ZEITGEIST is conspiracy related? It sounds just like any other movie…

Zeitgeist is a historically inaccurate, steaming pile of crap.

It gets slammed heavily in this video, and with good reason. Just make sure you watch the other parts of it.

AARGH!! Those were the most boring two minutes of my life!

Yeah, at least zeitgeist kept you watching, even if you didn’t make to the end:spin:.

You may not have noticed, but every single conspiracy-related thread over the last few months has ended in a flamewar.
This is because, soon, someone will call it blasphemous or something of the like, and all conspiracy theorators will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct, and the will be called blasphemers and they will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct

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and the will be called blasphemers and they will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct and

and the will be called blasphemers and they will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct and

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and the will be called blasphemers and they will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct and

and the will be called blasphemers and they will argue with absolute certainty that the information is correct and…

















recursive error -:spin:

Why does it always start with random sensical nonsense? I that Krishnamurti ? Oh look a chicken!

Or, they will just post some stupid text.

Ah, so I’ve been caught. :eyebrowlift2:

Next I’ll slide in a few images -Particularly ones dealing with kittens.

How much of it is crap, because if it’s less than 50% then I think it’s doing well as far as these things go.

I prefer doggies.
But dragons will do…

I have it playing in the background, doesn’t sound that unbelievable or unreasonable to me. Doesn’t mean I’m taking it all for granted. But I’m sending that link to some friends. Rubbish or not, it doesn’t hurt one to look at it and question it for yourself, now does it? It’s not a black/white world we live in.

By the way, that youtube link? I take it you haven’t seen the movie M@dcow.
The zeitgeist video I’m watching now (the one linked to by tweakingknobs) has only 12.5% left, and only now are there some minor things mentioned about religion. So that youtube link had me wondering, what was that about? certainly not about this video. The video is more about the monetary system. About globalisation.

Was about the first Zeitgeist. Apparently the first 1/3rd was all rubbish.

So it’s doing well, according to you?
And what about the 2nd ½?
Is it good?

By the way, that youtube link? I take it you haven’t seen the movie M@dcow.
The zeitgeist video I’m watching now (the one linked to by tweakingknobs) has only 12.5% left, and only now are there some minor things mentioned about religion.
Well yeah, it is true that the youtube link I provided deals specifically with the first part of the original Zeitgeist. I did provide it for a reason though, and that was to show people who might not have seen it before how woefully inaccurate the original Zeitgeist was. My hope is if they watch that video, then they will not just watch this second part and immediately assume it is accurate. Hopefully their critical mind will kick in, and ask questions.

I take it you haven’t seen the movie M@dcow.
Nope. And I’m not going to either. I have watched nearly every conspiracy theory documentary that has come out, and I know all the arguments back to front. I won’t learn anything new here.

How much of it is crap, because if it’s less than 50% then I think it’s doing well as far as these things go.
Good to know that you don’t just take these things on face value.

Actually, that’s more of my odd sense of humor.

I skipped the entire 2nd section of the first one (not another 9-11 movie). It drew you in with the, oddly, now, mis informative information (part 1) then slammed you with things that can never truly be proven (the rest).

Even if someone in a position of authority were to come out and say, “yeah, this is true. here’s all the evidence,” at this point, no one would believe it. It’s too far after the fact and or too far fetched. Hell you could show people a real live alien today and no one would believe it.

I’m currently working on a documentary that proves Einstein was a Nazi. Anyone care to join me :eyebrowlift2:?

haven’t they already done that one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I thought that sounded familiar…

Now there you are absolutely right. Everyone should see it. Religious Zealot or not.
[edit]… or conspiracy theorist or not…

Thanks TweakingKnobs, good link. Only up to the 51st minute so far. The movie explains a lot.

MadCow, I saw your link. Yes, I understand what they’re saying, but I’ve been doing some research of my own into ancient religions and I have found some disturbing similarities between them.

For example, the similarities between the Cathars of Medieval France and Jainism of India is extraordinary. “The goal of Jain Life is to achieve spiritual perfection and free the soul from the cycle of rebirth”, and the Cathars preach the same. However, the Cathars decided to break the painful cycle of birth and death with un-productive sex( don’t ask me to explain). And the other strange thing is that when you hear those UFO stories about captured Aliens, the little grey men explain the samething, what the Jains say. Coincidence, I don’t know.