Zerg Sculpted Models

—OVERLORD model (20-01-2007)—

600 000 verts

—HYDRALISK (14-01-2007)—

My first try of Sculpt Mode - Maqs’ work inspired me to use it :slight_smile:
About 12 hours of work and 15 minutes of rendering (first image)

Athlon64 3000+, 768 MB ram
Multires Level 4 = 1 300 000 verts (.blend weighs 200 MB without compression :smiley: )


Very Impresive. I have a model of that thing. Do you plan to texture it etc?

Nice looking alien there…

I planned to texture it, but I had to delete Multires - 0.7 GB of RAM is not much enough ;]

wow he really looks like the real thing, nice modeling skills u got there, i still cant grasp the sculpt mode in blender

haha…he looks like a thug lizard…nice work…5 starz…

thanks… now I’m modelling Overlord - a harder thing to create, even if it doesn’t look to be

cool, I like it :slight_smile:

Why do ya` make this ugly things All in nature are nice and estetic even a worm is estetic!

Ok looks ok but you modeled the base or used an model and touched with sculpt ?

I modelled a 30k verts base, using Blizzard’s 2d sketch and then sculped.

Keeeewl! I’m starting to miss the game. Yay! =)

Very nice indeed! I hope you decide to texture it later on and even make more SC models :slight_smile:

whoa! Friggin awesome man. 5 stars for sure!

I’m sculping an Overlord now - but, due to strange bug in Mutires, I’ll have to start again from base model… :frowning:


Dude, ow, that sucks that you lost it all, cause that was looking really good.

I know what that is, though, I think. Did you add or remove vertices? Cause you should only start sculpting once you’re DONE done the base model.

it was a bug in the Multires

new model!


Solid view mode: http://images14.fotosik.pl/44/3b7c020060e236a4.jpg

woa, its just fantastic. what polycoun has this monster

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Sculpt is awesome. Nice work. Actually, now that I look at it, a couple peices of it look a little deformed, like the clay you were using was smooshed out of shape before it was dry, mostly with the scales on the shell. Most of it is great, though.

600 000 vert… half of hydralisk… finished! now I’ll try to TEXTURE IT :smiley:
sorry that it isn’t in Gallery, but I want to make also a scene for Hydra and Overlord

wow…:eek:…thats crazy…