Zevran Website

Hello everyone! :smiley:
Here is the link to my website. I will explain in advance that this is not just some business website; it’s a psudo-business that was a bit of a test for myself to work Blender into web design. Also, as I should probably explain on the front page, it’s not actually incorporated. Zevran Incorporated is just the name. It sounds good. I have a nice picture on each page. I would appreciate comments, complaints, suggestions, or compliments, but for the most part it is finished. Also, the downloads are not uploaded yet, so don’t try them unless you have a particular liking for search and error pages. I have already posted links to my site in other strings; I thought I would post one in off-topic chat for the sake of publicity. :slight_smile:




I didn’t have much time to see everything but I droped you a visit over there and I think it’s very good…

I like it…

Keep up the good work…