"Zimmo" Short Film (New Animatic)

Hi all, i thought i’d show you the first short film i ever did (and am still endlessly tweaking!:o )

It’s not got sound yet but any C&C and suggestions welcome

EDIT: Right i tjhought i’d just say that Ive finally decided what this little chap’s for, but I’ll put it in a new post at the bottom. So go down… See you there!




cute! look into shape keys to deform the box when he jumps around. And instead of resorting to violence and getting a bat (without hands?) , why not have him squirt the ball so it rolls off the other side? He is a drink box, after all.

nice, made me smile.

very funny

increddible how expressive that straw is, good work. I’m looking forwatd to seeing it with a bit of sound.


Heh, that was great. Hey, though, have you considered using lattices to make a squash and stretch for the jump?

Hi everyone! Wow thanks for all the replies!!

RogerWickes:- Hey thanks Great suggestion, will look into it! the only thing that may be difficult is that the juice would have to be fluid, which I’ve avoided so far, would love to do it though!!! Any tutorials you know of that could help?

scatterbrain:- Thanks, that’s what it was meant for! :slight_smile:

Smitje:- Yeah that was the hardest part of the animation: took AGES!! I’m thinking about writing a tutorial if anyone is interested! (working on the sound right now too!)

BlackBoe:- Yeah that was one of the things that bugged me was that there wa no squash and stretch when he hopped around. I tried using hooks but they were REALLY slow, i guess i avoided lattices because they were too comlicated :o Willl have a look at them when i get time!


Hello again! I’m now making a new 3d animatic following on from RogerWickes suggestion, but I’m using particles instead of fluid at the moment. Has anyone out there got a tut for fluids in animation??:eek: Cause Im puzzled as to how to do it. Oh and if you’ve got any C&C or ideas for this little chap? Post 'em!



Hiya people. Well firstly,

I’m now making this film for my local RDA (riding for the disabled) group, and i hope to show it in summer 2007 In Clwyd, Wales (whoo!) on our annual riding holiday. So I’m in a bit of a rush atm, anyone got any last-minute suggestions??

  1. Blackboe, or anyone else, how do i use lattices? I can add one to Zimmo and then i can deform him using it, but how do i animate these deformations?

  2. Anyone got any ideas for the style of soundtrack i should go for (loopy, classical etc.) I dont want to dissapoint everyone at the holiday so your input is REALLY important!! Thanks lol :slight_smile:

Thanks all, right, time for some blending…

Add hooks to the lattice. See Calvin’s simple page, the tutorial about animating cartoon eyes, he uses lattices.

Righto, I’ll try,thanks Orinoco!
Any ideas still welcome…



Hi all, here’s the new animatic using the shape keys ('cause the lattice was waaaay to slow for me!)
Enjoy, C&C welcome espesially in the are of:- what do you think of the new ‘bouncy’ Zimmo? does it look better than before?

Hi haven’t posted for ages! Coputer went down 4 2 months and i very nearly lost everything! But zimmo was saved lol! Right, now I’m ‘bouncing up’ the other scenes and getting SFX together - he’ll be finished soon!

can’t wait to see this with sound. That is one juice box with bad luck. By the way what does he want the ball that much for?

hi shadowabne: I don’t know actually lol! Maybe someone could come up with something? I personally think he just likes shiny colourful things
