
Been working on this quite awhile. I’d like to humbly thank the guys who are smarter than me for the scripts and knowledge I used in this. Most noteably Armagan Yayuz, Allen Dennis (RipSting), Chris at artdreamdesigns.com, Paul Bridger, Guy Van Rentergem and GreyBeard always.

Here’s the model in details, then a landscape:







P.s. - The landscape is a swatch of land in the mountains near my boyhood home in Northern CA. Taken from actual elevation data off a US satellite. :slight_smile:


Is this going to be used in a game?

Phew, that is great work!
Great detail on the truck! While the textures are very good, you have some strechiness on some parts of the truck (fenders, for example).
Did you model the landscape in Blender, or is it Terragen? I’d really like to know how you did that.

I simply couldn’t get rid of the stretching. I used a Simbion procedural texture and couldn’t figure how to map it all right. I gave up.

The landscape is indeed Terragen. I used DEM data ported through 3dem and then used Van Rentergem’s Ter2Blend script. I love that program. :slight_smile:

And no, won’t be using this in any games, hehe.

Enzoblue - this is really nice work. Gives me something to work toward. I like your choice for the model … and the final setting is very fitting. Thanks for sharing:)