
Some of you might remember my zlabanz wip sometime ago. Now, after some months of doing nothing with it, I started al over again. The first minutes have been rendered already. it will take about 6 months before completion. The reason its gonna take 6 months is that the movie will last atleast 30 minutes, and probably even longer, say, 45 minutes. Thats probably the longest movie ever made with blender (correct me if im wrong)
I got a whole story ready, and theres going to be alot of dialog too (in an exciting way). Its not a short, its really a full movie.

A small introduction to the plot:
Reshad dies in a car accident, and instead of going to heaven, he finds himself in a place called ‘Zlabanz’. Along with hundreds of other souls, he is
forced to work in a machine for an unknown purpose. He’s determined to get out of it, but not before he finds out the reason of it all.

This is the ‘poster’ I made:


As you can see, the color element of zlabanz is purple. The giants tie (I wont tell who he is, watch the movie:D), the name and the floating thing
in the background.

I changed the maincharacters name from Pete to Reshad (a friend of mine)
Im not going to show any pieces of the movie. Only some teasing renders.

Stay tuned, the first renders will come soon! Question and comment are very welcome.:slight_smile:

A render from scene one. This is where the accident takes place. The modeling is not very spectacular, because of the limits of my pc. Im putting
very much time in animating, because I really want to characters to feel like humans, and not just like some blocks.


The colours look a bit too garish, and since presumably you’re going to zoom in a lot the textures need to be worked on to look better at short range. I’ll be interested to see how this one turns out.

Yeah I know what you mean about the textures. Im not going to change it though. This scene has already been rendered for the biggest part. I know
noone’s really interested in a topic about a movie that wont appear untill next year, but I just wanted to let you guys know…bit stupid yeah…i don care:D

Hmm, well best of luck :eek:

Are you working on this by yourself?

Teams of 3-5 people often take 6 months to produce 2-5 minutes of film, with 2 or 3 characters. (Take a look at Cgtalk in the finished animation section).


Yes, im doing this completely alone. I think superior modeling and special effects are not necessary to make a great movie. The story is awesome (if I may say so), and im gonna put lots of time in the modeling. I think it can be done