
Where do I find the zlib.dll? I cant use my (Game Name).exe cause of it, says I’m missing that file, so does anyone know?

that and the other .dlls that the game will ask for are in the blender instalation directory

i think its usually

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation

or something like that

oh yeah if you have any more question click here first since the answer will probably be there

I used the search function, but didin’t find anything, that’s why I asked here in the first place…

well now you know

and i searched and i found it first try… just searched for “missing dlls” but it dont matter anyway it’s all good

Yeah, that’s probably my problem, looked for zlib didn’t find anything…I tend to to use the wrong serach/key words…

Google it, type in search: zlib.dll, and you can freely download it. :slight_smile: