Of course! The better looking is the woman more interesting is the game well just kidding.
The models and textures seems to be alright. BTW, what will be the story? Make it so that the main character is a man and thru the game he transforms in a monster but in the end the player discovers that the character was always a female :eyebrowlift: Again i’m just kidding (ahh I feel so playful now) The player loves twists in the story :spin:
again , i’m talking abou the concept , by the way , the second one is easier and prettier
in my humble opinion , …
thanks , …
and in which era should it be in ? <new , the past >
by the way i guess there should be giant machines in the game , …
p.s. please don’t change the topic to girls :rolleyes: … lol
i will try my best , it is not that impossible thing , but the problem is that , it needs time … no problem anyway .
edit :- the GE community and the BGE itself isn’t floureshed in this era :mad: , i hope the blender users make a good game a day … i hate those commercial game engines ! , we must save this powerfull free one , did you see ton’s comment about the ge lastly … ?
Um… I am no expert on Metal Gear, but I believe that second picture is Raiden from MGS4 and he is a guy. Yes he kind of looks like a girl, but he definitely is a guy.
Um… I am no expert on Metal Gear, but I believe that second picture is Raiden from MGS4 and he is a guy. Yes he kind of looks like a girl, but he definitely is a guy.
right , i didn’t play mgs 4 (only 1 2 3) , … so excuse me …
From the YouTube video the game looks professional in some respects so far.
Also, I can’t wait till you’re experienced enough with C++ and the BGE code, with you making games I await to see what features you add to aid your development.
From the YouTube video the game looks professional in some respects so far.
Also, I can’t wait till you’re experienced enough with C++ and the BGE code, with you making games I await to see what features you add to aid your development.
Good progress man, I advice you to write the script ( story ) and paln the whole thing before you start on big things
ps: I really have to learn this GE !! it looks cool…
Its not your first animation ever, you must have forgot about you other games? the dancing guru, who’s texture is a picture of you? Hes animated.
i just meant that it is the first non-experimental …
i wasn’t accurate , it not the first , but i still don’t count the dancing guru animations , … that whole thing were experimental … i don’t count it even a game .
do you understand me now ?
that one wasn’t seriouse .
that character model was my head but the face wasn’t me
Mmph! gave you the info you need to learn to make smooth animations of people walking.
i didn’t apply them yet :o , there is no time :no: , a notebook was bought to organize my life as a result of this thread http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=111577
Good progress man, I advice you to write the script ( story ) and paln the whole thing before you start on big things
ps: I really have to learn this GE !! it looks cool…
That is a picture of you in that game. The name of the picture is Dia and it looks exactly like your other pictures on the other boards (your board for one!). Except you blurred the outer edges in photoshop or something.
You say now you dont call it a game? But when you revived it you didn’t change the title? You should never be ashamed of your past efforts.
I am only saying that you need to read the info you already have and understand it, before you start another thread, asking the very same question you asked here about walk cycles and how to do them.
Had you taken Mmph!'s advice, read the info on the links, you would understand so much better and know you can divide your character in as many pieces as is needed, one part, 2 parts or even 5 parts as my new character is.
Which wasnt his point. He was explaining a very important part of animation and it went right over your head because you didnt read and understand the examples. You need to learn to use the information you receive globally instead of locally. Smile.
Once you understand then if you have more questions you ask on the other board. That’s all I’m saying here.
You are so fast to tell others not to dble post and how to ask questions, yet you dont take your own advice.
I am just trying to help you on your quest. Did you get a notebook, meaning paper book or did your dad buy you a laptop?
very cool either way.
That is a picture of you in that game. The name of the picture is Dia and it looks exactly like your other pictures on the other boards (your board for one!). Except you blurred the outer edges in photoshop or something.
You say now you dont call it a game? But when you revived it you didn’t change the title? You should never be ashamed of your past efforts.
I am only saying that you need to read the info you already have and understand it, before you start another thread, asking the very same question you asked here about walk cycles and how to do them.
Had you taken Mmph!'s advice, read the info on the links, you would understand so much better and know you can divide your character in as many pieces as is needed, one part, 2 parts or even 5 parts as my new character is.
Which wasnt his point. He was explaining a very important part of animation and it went right over your head because you didnt read and understand the examples. You need to learn to use the information you receive globally instead of locally. Smile.
Once you understand then if you have more questions you ask on the other board. That’s all I’m saying here.
You are so fast to tell others not to dble post and how to ask questions, yet you dont take your own advice.
I am just trying to help you on your quest. Did you get a notebook, meaning paper book or did your dad buy you a laptop?
very cool either way.
thanks too much for the advice , ititrx , it is not that i don’t want to learn , but the time isn’t enough , …
everyday i say i want to start re-making the rig , but there is no time , …
and in that notebook , i put 10 <today> ((after 2 hours of now )) AM for a time to start reading the wiki’s animation and Mmph!'s tutorial …
god … it is semi-impossible to make a game with a team of 3 or 4 , … but i will try to manage time to give this project 1.5 hours a day …
edit :- Oh , and about that laptop , the university will give each student a laptop with very good discount .