Zombie Curse - Movie w/ 3d effects

Hey everyone! This is my high school tech fair project this year. I am 16, and wanted to make a movie this year. I entered it into digital video editing. The tech fair is this Saturday…

The reason I posted it here is that in the few scenes that have 3d effects, they were all created with Blender, so I thought it necessary to post here. C&C are accepted, although I won’t have enough time to remake it or redo any of the graphics. We basically had a three week time period to throw this together, and the zombie took me quite a while to make before we actually started the movie. I also learned alot about texturing and rigging during this process. All of these scenes used a very simple lighting set-up though since we didn’t have much time to get it together after filming.

Well…I hop you have as much fun watching it as I did making it ;)…and the best part(with most of the blender graphics) is at the end…so you might want to watch it.


Since I’m having trouble getting it to run in firefox (runs in IE with no problem), here is the wmv file.


Here’s the on the lot 5 minute version



Well…enjoy, and leave C&C :smiley:


Also, I want to thank everyone in the “Zombie…realistic?” forum for their help in modeling and texturing!

Nice! Some parts of it don’t have much sound, like when that guy hits the zombie with the baseball bat.

Yeah, sorry about that…I also had lots of problems with wind(like when the old man appeared outside)…I did the best I could with the materials and time I had…Thanks for the reply!


I think you did a great job, given the resources available to you. Just finishing such a project is a great accomplishment. I’m also impressed that you are taking on some rather challenging effect shots. The nice thing about struggling through a movie project is you now understand the challenges that are ahead for your next project. Keep up the good work.

Well…if anyone’s interested…we won 1st place in our category! We’ll be going to state in a few weeks!

Congratulations on the win!

Loved this movie, so funny!

Favourite line: “How’d he do that?” :smiley:

Sweet…thanks for the reply! I really appreciate it!

Also, yeah, my favorite line was probably “WOAH!!! Thats pretty useless…”

Thanks again for the comments everyone!


I thought it was kinda cool. :]

Hello again. Thanks for all of the comments again! Just thought I’d inform you that my movie is now on youtube!

I also submitted it to “On The Lot” although they haven’t uploaded it to their site yet.


My favorite part:
“Ow, I tripped over this stupid rock.”
>>“That was THE rock.”
“I’ll go get it…”

Nice work, considering the timeframe!

that was awsome.
i loved it.

Thanks for all of the replies everyone! Also, its now uploaded to TheLot for the On The Lot competition…thought I’d give it a go since its free.

I updated the first post with the proper link.

Thanks again!


Not bad. The effects were pretty good for a first production, especially seeing as how you got live characters to interact with cgi. Very impressive!
The lighting for your CGI characters was not right, and didn’t match the scene. So it stood out that it was fake. The indoor character guy was alright but. :slight_smile:

Also, you’re film making skills leave much to be desired. 10 minutes is way too long for a short film. In a short film, your audience has a short attention span, so only include crucial plot points. But hey, I’m a film buff, so maybe I’m just being picky.

But I will say that I see a lot of short films, and this was above average. You included wit, a plot and special effects. As teasel said, just finishing that is an accomplishment. So be proud! And be happy knowing that you’re next film will be even better! :smiley: