Zombie Object! when using .removeParent()

I have a code which uses .removeObject() and when ever I ‘ESC’ out of game engine blender freezes. When i comment out that line then it doesnt freeze.
I’m using blender 2.59

Any help?

Thanks, Bearmey

What’s the Script?

Uhm, wait, you DO mean removeParent(), right? Because in the Text you wrote removeObject(), which I think does not even exist.

yes removeParent(); srry totally didn’t see that.

Thanks, Bearmey

I can’t help you with that, but i have similar Problems with setParent(). Also in 2.59… I think there could be a bug.
But i cant recreate the error, because my KX_GameObjects are been overgiven to custom classes, so i’m not shure, the the error comes from there, that BGE dont like my classes… anyway: How to make shure, it is a valid Object? If i print out dir(Object), everything is there, all functions and also setParent(), thats why i think, it really could be a Problem of 2.59… Any Ideas ?

We could test it using blender 2.58 and 2.57, then recreate the problem by making a scene where an object gets parented to a moving object then unparented. Lastly if u “ESC” from GE then u should have an error in the console(or terminal on mac) and blender will freeze.

btw do u have a mac w/ lion(many resent problems have to do with a change in lion

Thanks, Bearmey

no, i’m forced to work with Windows XP at the moment, because my PC is broken. I switched to Ubuntu a while ago.
In my case, blender even crashs…Yes we could try on older Versions, i’ll do that, when some time is left…

the older version doesn’t help

Yeah, try posting the script. The Zombie Object! message happens when you have a Debug Property displaying from an object that gets removed.

Ya, I knew that but i don’t have anything like that and it’s still happening(I’ve also disabled the ‘show debug properties’) nothing helps.

Thanks, Bearmey

as for the code: I don’t want to post it if at all possible; it happens when setting and removing parents in python alone.

K, even more odd(the game just ran twice without problems but at the third time it crashed; I made no change)