I have begun a learning project in the BGE, where I plan to focus primarily on coding and game logic. I am currently interested in the help of 3d modelers who are interested in seeing their builds in-game. You will be credited of course!
The game is based off of the idea of Left 4 Dead. You begin your hectic struggle in a previously safe, but now compromised building. You must now quickly explore the zombie infested level in order to find the new safe house.
Below is a link to a video that shows some work I have completed including simple zombie AI, a working health meter, damage dealt by zombie, basic player movement with keys and mouse, restart screen on death, and completion screen once in safehouse zone. Enjoy :
If you are a builder, experienced or not, I would be interested in your help to create a variety of zombie characters preferably rigged (walk and attack animations appreciated) in which I will give different characteristics to (fast or strong/ different abilities, etc), as well as level design. I plan to have a fairly large sized map with many enter able buildings and a variety of designs as well as misc items such as lamp posts, foliage such as bushes, grass, and trees.
PM me or post in thread if interested.
But I would like to completely finish it and make it into a standalone game and put it online for all to play.