zoom ceases to work?

Basically, I cannot reproduce this intentionally. but every so often (and even more often these days) zooming with the mouse wheel just doesn’t work. the + and - buttons work, but of course the mouse wheel is so much better. I can save my work, quit blender and reload it and the zoom works. But is there any other workaround?

btw it just happened, and the last thing i did was ctrl-alt-0 to position the camara, and then I rendered. upon returning to the 3d view i could not zoom anymore :confused:

It happens in Perspective mode, hit Numpad 5.


cool, thanks. “it fixed itself” after i posted my message and went back to blender. hopefully your fix will help in the future. Blender is funny like that. some things can really make blender run better, but they’re not conventional solutions.

another interesting thing ive found about blender is that with larger poly scenes, it starts to bog down. just hitting ‘p’ for the game engine, and hitting escape and the 3d view runs smooth again.

This will keep happening. WHat you need to do is go back to the render window and hit esc like 3 times… Then when you are back in blender mmw will work again!