Zoom "steps" have suddenly become too big!

Welcome to the community, @Anna_McCarthy! With the time difference between these two posts, it is probably safer to start a new thread, but there are a few things to address here.

You are using Blender 2.70 released 19 March 2014. Yes, there have been many changes to the software since then. Can I suggest downloading 2.82a released 12 March 2020? Not that it will automatically fix your issues, but you are likely to get better support using a current version of Blender.

So, navigating Blender takes some time to get used to. Zoom works differently in perspective view mode compared to orthographic view mode. Take a look at this manual page to get familiar with navigating: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/editors/3dview/navigate/navigation.html#navigation

If that doesn’t clear it up for you, start a new thread and we’ll keep troubleshooting!

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