Zremesher in blender

Hi there,
I am not sure if I ma posting in the right section of the forum.
I was wondering if anybody is thinking of implementing what is the Zremesher in Zbrush into blender.
I think the Zremesher is a paper from the siggraph so I guess the auto retopo code should be out there.
That would be really cool to have!


Every year there are new auto retopology papers, though I doubt there is one that describes the zremesher particular method.

There are numerous auto remeshing tools such as

Thanks for the prompte reply Richard. I will take a look at those links.

Saw some demo not too long ago for a potential add-on for Blender that did auto-retopo. Looked really good at getting quads, and was ok at defining concave surfaces, but had a really hard time defining convex and placing control loops with good spacing. At least the meshes that were being shown wouldn’t hold shape so well if subdivided with smoothing.

So there’s something out there, but I believe it’s still very much a WIP. Might hear about it again if the guy developing it progresses.