SciPy package is not available. Voronoi nodes and RBF-based nodes will not be available. geomdl package is not available, some NURBS related nodes will not be available SciKit-Image package is not available; SciKit-based implementation of Marching Cubes and Marching Squares will not be available PyMCubes package is not available. PyMCubes-based implementation of Marching Cubes will not be available Circlify package is not available. Circlify node will not be available FreeCAD package is not available, Solids nodes will not be available Numba package is not available, njit compiled functions will not be available Dependencies available: pip, Cython. 2021-10-04 16:52:25,228 [INFO] logging: log level, 20 2021-10-04 16:52:25,527 [INFO] menu: The following nodes are not enabled (probably due to missing dependencies) Curves Approximate NURBS Curve (geomdl or scipy) Approximate Bezier Curve (scipy) Catenary Curve (scipy) Circlify (circlify) Intersect Curve with Plane (scipy) Intersect Curve with Surface (scipy) Curve Extremes (scipy) Marching Squares on Surface (skimage) Marching Squares (skimage) Nearest Point on Curve (scipy) Ortho Project on Curve (scipy) Interpolate Curve Frame (scipy) Helix (FreeCAD) (FreeCAD) Intersect Curves (FreeCAD or scipy) Project Curve to Surface (NURBS) (FreeCAD) Surfaces Approximate NURBS Surface (geomdl) Implicit Surface Raycast (scipy) Minimal Surface from Curve (scipy) Minimal Surface (scipy) Nearest Point on Surface (scipy) Ortho Project on Surface (scipy) Raycast on Surface (scipy) Surface Extremes (scipy) Fields Minimal Scalar Field (scipy) Minimal Vector Field (scipy) Scalar Field Graph (skimage) Mesh Smoothed Surface Field (scipy) Solids Box (Solid) (FreeCAD) Chamfer Solid (FreeCAD) Compound Solid (FreeCAD) Cone (Solid) (FreeCAD) Cylinder (Solid) (FreeCAD) Fillet Solid (FreeCAD) Hollow Solid (FreeCAD) Point Inside Solid (FreeCAD) Is Solid Closed (FreeCAD) Mesh to Solid (FreeCAD) Mirror Solid (FreeCAD) Offset Solid (FreeCAD) Face from Surface (Solid) (FreeCAD) Refine Solid (FreeCAD) Solid from two Faces (FreeCAD) Select Solid Elements (FreeCAD) Solid Area (FreeCAD) Solid Boolean (FreeCAD) Center of Mass (FreeCAD) Solid Distance (FreeCAD) Solid Edges (FreeCAD) Solid Face Area (FreeCAD) Extrude Face (Solid) (FreeCAD) Revolve Face (Solid) (FreeCAD) Solidify Face (Solid) (FreeCAD) Solid Faces (FreeCAD) Solid from Faces (FreeCAD) Solid General Fuse (FreeCAD) Polygon Face (Solid) (FreeCAD) Validate & Fix Solid (FreeCAD) Solid Vertices (FreeCAD) Solid Viewer (FreeCAD) Solid Volume (FreeCAD) Face from Curves (Solid) (FreeCAD) Sphere (Solid) (FreeCAD) Split Solid by Face (FreeCAD) Sweep Face (Solid) (FreeCAD) Torus (Solid) (FreeCAD) Transform Solid (FreeCAD) Spatial Concave Hull (scipy) Delaunay 3D (scipy) Voronoi 3D (scipy) Voronoi Sphere (scipy) Lloyd 3D (scipy) Lloyd on Mesh (scipy) Lloyd on Sphere (scipy) Lloyd on Solid Face (scipy and FreeCAD) Lloyd in Solid (scipy and FreeCAD) Populate Solid (FreeCAD) Voronoi on Mesh (scipy) Voronoi on Solid (scipy and FreeCAD) Exchange JSON to NURBS (geomdl) NURBS to JSON (geomdl) Export Solid (FreeCAD) Import Solid (FreeCAD) WARN (gpu.shader): OVERLAY_shader_armature_sphere_412 FragShader: | 6 | #define GPU_FRAGMENT_SHADER | ^ | (#62) enable/warn/disable extension is not found. Extension "GL_ARB_conservative_depth" is not supported WARN (gpu.shader): OVERLAY_shader_armature_sphere_399 FragShader: | 6 | #define GPU_FRAGMENT_SHADER | ^ | (#62) enable/warn/disable extension is not found. Extension "GL_ARB_conservative_depth" is not supported WARN (gpu.shader): OVERLAY_shader_armature_shape_437 GeomShader: | 5 | #define OS_WIN | ^ | (#310) Inputs that are integers should be qualified with the interpolation qualifier "flat" ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile VertShader: | Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: | 6 | #define GPU_VERTEX_SHADER | ^ | Error: (#198) Redefinition error: orco | | Error: (#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated sv: import settings sv: import all modules sv: append app.handlers sv: enable internal debug logging. ______ _ _ _______ ______ _______ _ _ _____ _ _ /______ \ / |______ |_____/ | |_____| | | |____/ ______/ \/ |______ | \_ |_____ | | |_____| | \_ initialized. sv: version: 1.0.0 sv: 680 nodes. cleaning Sverchok cache cleaning Sverchok cache sv: remove app.handlers cleaning Sverchok cache Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 3.0.0 Alpha Build: 2021-09-25 00:03:24 Windows release argv[0] = D:\BL 3\blender-3.0.0-alpha+master.a3027fb09416-windows.amd64-release\\blender argv[1] = --debug argv[2] = --debug-gpu argv[3] = --debug-gpu-force-workarounds argv[4] = --python-expr argv[5] = import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.sysinfo(filepath=r'C:\Users\Win8\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\blender_system_info.txt') Read prefs: C:\Users\Win8\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\config\userpref.blend GL: Forcing workaround usage and disabling extensions. OpenGL identification strings vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. renderer: AMD Radeon (TM) HD 8500M/8700M version: 4.5.13474 Core Profile/Debug Context 0 Read blend: D:\BL 3\B3PROJECTS\DNADAncer.blend Saved session recovery to 'C:\Users\Win8\AppData\Local\Temp\quit.blend'