

A good leader allows creative energy to flow from all he manages. I like the frontline show called “Class Divided”
It says it all. We are so much more than tribal bullies ! We can act like Elk in Rut - lets leave that for the ball field. ! Work is not the place to sort out the matting order ! When it comes to doing creative work , this is a spiritual thing and all that will get in our way. THe creative spirit can be sharing and generous the focus can not be all about vanity and narcissistic needs. None of us will escape that. But there is this creative place within us that wants Awesome to happen and spirit will guide Together we can experience the awe of our creation in its fullest if we just get out of our own way. A energy that is not above nor beneath is the KIND of energy that a winning team will have. Relax and have an empty mind - let things incubate. A team of creative people can get so much done if they do not have a egotistical narcissistic undermining everyone’s creative energy. We need to focus on what we WANT and not what we don’t want. So its key for a work-group to have a main objective and a main focus what are we doing here what are we really trying to accomplish. A manager at Boeing was into this kind of thing and I loved him for it. EMJR personality types and quality improvement and main objectives. We had a great team everyone liked coming to work. When that happens we all WIN. The guy in charge needs to set the right vibe that gets out of the Creative Spirits way - then it will all just happen naturally. If your work-group is like this I want to know about you. If you like this kind of culture I want to know about you.