Flick - Free Character Rig (Blender 2.55)

ndee, thanks again for the lovely character!

about the leg fk: you need it for jumps, flips and kicks. However, some world class animators (Keith Lango, for example) claim that they never use fk - for legs, but also for hands (Lango says that IK gives him better control and arches are done with proper planning) - go figure ;))

I have one question directed to the experienced animators or anyone else who knows this. Is there a possibility to switch from ik to fk, but keep the exact same position and rotation of the bones? How would you key such a behavior? And I do not mean the default pose of the arms :smiley: :slight_smile:

You usually have to make a FK/IK match script for that.

You don’t need that, key the FK parts as visual locrot, at THE SAME frame as the last IK position. You could key the sliders to FK on the next frame, and just proceed with the FK animation, but I never do that. I key the sliders for the same timespan ans the last key in IK and the first key in FK. I think it’s easier to manage your keys that way. I’m not an experienced animator though, but that’s how I do it.

Sorry to get off topic here, but yea I do as FreakyDude does. Here’s a quick video I did on the subject:http://vimeo.com/15309972
Also, the Pantin character has FK/IK Matching script included, although I don’t think most people use it.

Great looking model ndee!!! Haven’t had a chance to download and play with it yet… :frowning:


Just FYI, in the forum thumbnail, “Flick” looks like something else because the l and i get connected. I’m assuming this wasn’t intentional, just thought you might want to know

Great piece of work. Thanks for sharing !

I managed to get some time and play with this lovely girl here, she’s quite nice to use, I do agree on that having an FK chain for the legs would be useful.

also, some more bones for the torso would be good.

And the controlers for the finger’s I’d do a little differently.

But yeah, I really like what you’ve shared, really nice indeed n_n.

Attached: The pose I made for testing this girl XD


yep. I am currently improving some of the points! Foot FK is already in. I still have some other issues that I want to be fixed before releasing the new version!

@freakydude and revolt_randy
I’ve tested it with visual location rotation, but somehow the rotations of my fk bones do not match with the ik bones. Do you know what I could have done wrong?
Could it have something to do with my copy transform constraint of my fk bones?

I found the problem. Just made a simple testfile. It has to do with the usage of copy transform instead of copy location and copy location constraints.
I will update my fk bones with copy rotation and copy location constraints.

That worries me… a copy transform should work the same as a copy loc, rot and scale constraint together. Maybe this should be filed as a bug report.

I just tested this and yes inserting a visual loc/rot key frame on a bone with copy transformation constraint does nothing at all. If you have a copy rot constraint on a bone, insert visual loc/rot keyframe, advance 10 frames, pose the target differently and insert another visual loc/rot keyframe on the constrained bone, then look at the f-curves for constrained bone, you will see changes in the f-curves. If you try this with copy transforms constraint, the f-curves are unaffected - straight lines. Please report it as a bug so the devs know it’s broken.


Ok, and here is the updated version of Flick.


This are the fixes and updates:

  • I have now added IK/FK Switches for her feet.

  • I have improved her FootRoll. It is doesn’t use Action Constraints anymore, it is now solved completely mechanically. Not Actions involved anymore. This gives in certain cases better results. Especially when rotating her foot.

  • I changed the Head Track a bit. It was solved before with a Track To Constraint. In certain rotations of her upper Spine Bone I have some strange boneflips. I have solved this now with an IK Constraint.

  • The copying of FK Bones to IK Bones was solved before with a Copy Transform constraint. There was an issue, that keying with Visual LocRot didn’t work properly. I’ve changed this now to Copy Location and Copy Rotation Constraints.
    Now the Visual LocRot does work again.

  • A few Bones have been renamed.

Much nicer! pretty much every bone responds to a simple rmb drag. And I see you cleaned up some of the weighting issues in the head. There are a few small points, but nothing that affects the rigs’ usability. Just a few points that can be cleaner:
You have a few constraints you don’t need. In the FK upperarm there is a driver constraint that copies the location from the IK upperarm. This is redundant, as it already has the same location.
In IK mode you don’t need to see the IK upper and forearm bones, just like how you did it with the legs.
I don’t like the targetless IK on the spine, but that’s just personal preference.
Much nicer rig for an even nicer character.

your Flick character is very nice
I am trying to learn from your armature but I cant find FootFK_L
could you please explain it to me what it is and where I can find or select it ?

Just a note: I see the F word on the thumbnail. If i look closer, I see Flick. interesting :slight_smile:

@ FreakyDude
thought the targetless IK on her Spine was good for quicker posing her upper body. Because this way you can grab and rotate only the upper Spine, and control the lower with this too.

I assume that you are using v.01.4
If you Press N and open the Properties Panel you will have a Flick Properties menu when selecting bones in posemode. There you have sliders for ik and fk for hands and feet controlling. If you switch the Foot to fk you can controll his feet with fk. This is as already mentioned good for things like kicks and poses where she needs to have her feet in the air. At the bottom of Properties you have Bone Layers.
Disable the IK Layer and enable the FK Layer. There you will get the FK Controllers.

Yeah… I haven’t seen this first, because for me it was clear she is called Flick. My colleague asked me why she is called F*ck? And then I realised it the first time. Ups xD

Right, just ignore when I posted the same thing 3 days earlier.:rolleyes:

yeah i’ve read it the days before :smiley:
sorry for not answering… no offend :wink:

Haha no problems

Ndee: This is fantastic, I honestly want you to make a tutorial and I do not mind how long it takes you. If you would do one, between caring for your wife and child and anything else, I would really appreciate it, this rig is so comprehensive I need to get one like it :slight_smile: