Minotaur wip. Critique welcomed.

Hello. I’ve been working on this for the past couple days and would like to hear what you guys have to say about it.

Here’s what I have so far.

Hopefully I can get the topology cleaned up by tomorrow so that I can start with the sculpt.

did you use the skin modifier?
Looks good so far.

What is the skin modifier? I haven’t really figured that out yet…

Looks similar to the Silo Minotaur tutorial. I presume that’s your inspiration? Good start.

@FreeMind Nope, I started with a cube and just extruded. Personally, I’m not sure exactly what all the skin modifier does to be honest.

@Kris Yup and thank you! :slight_smile: I saw Glen’s work back when I first started looking into 3d as an alternative to 2d work. Needless to say when I wanted to do a Minotaur, his tutorial was the first thing that came to mind for reference. Here’s the link to the video for anyone interested.
Only thing I don’t like about this tutorial series is how he sets up some the topology in certain places. Just seems to throw it in where ever. Then again that’s just me though.

6-23-12 Update:

I finished cleaning up the topology to something I could stand and started to model the inside of the mouth.

I finally got in some time today to do a bit of sculpting on my minotaur as well as fix some of the proportions.

The head is done for the most part and I feel like I’m making some headway on the abs and chest.

It looks quite good so far but I think you may rework a bit the proportions until it`s too late do you have a background reference or some reference pictures?
I tell you what I would change about proportions:
-head is too big
-palm and hands needed to be bigger
-the feet should be as human-like more like caws and horses (more defined 3 joints leg and the toes more bigger also)
-and the horns should be more aggresive. I think.
But the details are nice :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure that’s a stylistic choice.

That’s usually the answer of someone who doesn’t get anatomy. Sure, it works… if he’s going for a cartoon. I think he’s trying to go realistic, in which case he shouldn’t break general rules of anatomy on a humanoid character. The hands, legs and feet are all too small and weak looking. That head would weigh the whole body down, collapsing him over his knees.

Hellhound, since you want to do good on this model, here’s a turntable of a bull/minotaur character created by a helluva Zbrush artist. Now, you might not be able to replicate it, but this should give you an idea of the type of detail and work you should put into a model:

I agree with kris.
althought you dont need to do replicate someones work but you still need to think on anatomy or the model won`t be that attractive .
I suggest to search on google and save some pic and make an idea of how the character would look like. (if you are good at drawings that would be highly recomanded to draw a sketch of the character. It helps a lot.)

Thanks for the critique guys. I knew the hands and legs were off but the head looked fine to me until you mentioned it. Have to work on that today.

As for the horns needing to be more aggressive, I actually tried that out when I was doing the base mesh. Unfortunately they took away from the gentle giant look I was going for a little too much.

My references for this model are below as well as an orthographic front and side of the model. If you guys see anything else please let me know.

@Kris Love the video. Thanks.
@AlinB Yup they do. lol Funny thing is my sketch shows him with bigger legs. Oops.
I’ll upload the sketch later for guys if you’d like.

Proportions are much better. :slight_smile:

Thanks. Still needs work though.

Definitely better now :slight_smile:
As you said you still need to do some work but the torso the head and the upper legs is quite much done… I think… btw I`ll personally try to separate the hoof of the minotaur with the rest of the body with a crease and also work a bit more on the hands and the overall muscle.
But you are doing well improvments.
And yes, I would like to see the sketch.

How many tris is this? :open_mouth:

@AlinB Thank you. I’ll upload the sketch later today or tomorrow at the latest. Was cleaning out my hard drive the other day and the darn thing went awol. lol
@adwsng Model is currently 400,000 tris while sculpting. Finished model should be > or = 13,000 tris.

would be nice to see one with lots of hair

may be add a tail too!LOL

did you do some sculpting and baking for final one?

looking good


Cool, why not some ring in the nose like:
