hommage to mucha

so, here is the final of the big project i spent my time on… alphonse mucha is one of my favourite artists, and my idea with this piece was to recreate one of his beautiful illustrations, but trying to bring it into 3d, with my personel interpretation. so, its not a copy, and not meant as that, but a free interpretation, picking up a lot of what mucha has drawn, of course…
everything is modeled and sculpted, so no bump or displacement maps. here i really made use of what i learned while modeling the fiat 500. … most of the work was done in blender, zbrush for zremeshing, and sculpting the hands (but only since blender makes holes in them :-((, see my post in dynatopo thread if interested)…) and zbrush was also used to place the decorative band on her dress… postwork in photoshop…

i hope you enjoy…

(larger image on my blog)

Awesome work Doris, I love your sculpts and this one is excellent!

Woow… that is stunning really…
Those floral details are amazing. There has to be a array modif and curve though on the floral… right?
The character looks really good. I like the way she holds her hands, very gentle.
Im not a big fan of the top spikes though... it kinda breaks it. I cant find anything to replay with though… I`m not too good at building stuff like that.
But, like I said, the work is stunning overall.
Ones again, nice work Doris. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Doris!

Truly skilled ! 5 stars from me ! :yes:

really great!!!

thank you for your nice comments, i appreciate very much :slight_smile:
alin, no array modifier, i did not know there is a circular one… but, i did model of course only one floral bouquet, and made a group of that, and then douplicat+rotate groupinstances of that, to get them arranged in circle. this way, making change on the mother group changed all. i used that a lot… the spikes is from the original, i liked it. i only made that there is no text, as i did not want an advertisement, like mucha’s work was…

Awesome! You can use a curve as a guide for a array modifier to get a circular setup like that or just do what you did. :wink: I really like the hands and the sleeves. Awesome work! Did you use dyntopo<zremesh<multires?

phoenixsmith, no array modifier, just group instances douplicated, rotated around 3d curser, which i had positioned at the center of the circle… yes, woman, dress and hair has the usual dynatopo, zremesh, multires appoach. i did first for hands too, but multires did not work on them, it made circular deep holes :-(… so, i finished modeling of hands in zbrush and imported the highpoly hands directly…

Awesome and inspiring.

A couple days ago I was looking through your web site and saw the stages of this. It is interesting to see it progress.

This is insanely brilliant!
The face is a bit weird, but everything else is amazing. I love the clothes.
Congrats on finishing this! :slight_smile:

A lovely, elegant piece of work. Huge fan of Mucha too.

Simply gorgeous! You’ve outdone yourself. The only thing I can find to critique is that the nose seems a bit short. Even without detailed materials, you’ve created nice contrast and texture using the (so well-executed) flowers. I am so impressed.

Sculpting beauty just oozes out you Doris, this one is lovely, I love the way you did her dress. Have you ever thought of doing 3d prints of any of them?

super I really love this

you guys make me happy, thank you all for the wonderful comments…
yes, sick and tyto alba, you have a good eye, i agree the face is a weaker one of the many i did already, and, yes, the nose is a tad too short. my reference had a short nose, so i believe i overdid inconsiously to “get it right”…
tyto alba, glad you notice this compostion thoughts about the contrast. yes this was one of the problems i had to solve, since i wanted render in a material like white porcelain, and yet i wanted have the piece read same well as the colored piece of mucha with the huge amount of detail…
harleynut, hmm not really. this is a piece which works from front, i have not spent any thought to make the composition work from side or even back view. also, the border and flowers would be quite fragile, those on the rim could be okay, but those hanging bell shaped ones, i guess that would not work…at least i never would carve it this way…

I really enjoy looking at all the details that you’ve put into this piece, doris! You’ve done a very good job illuminating the form; I know photographing/rendering anything that’s all one color can be especially difficult, and especially when it’s white!

I haven’t seen the illustration this is based on, but I like the pose of the figure. And I really like the hands!

For some reason, it reminds me of the Pietà. Just replace Jesus with a newspaper!

5 stars! An awesome work, as always!

thank you james. in post #7 i had put a link to the original, if you like to see how i worked from it. … oh, we all draw from the old masters, i am sure mucha too, yes pieta, i can see why you reminded so :slight_smile: thanks for the stars :slight_smile:

realy nice , i wonder how a colour version would come out :slight_smile:

thank you deepee, yes, might be interesting, but here i wanted do a sculpturell approach, as i found recreating it in color would be too close to the original. i wanted stir away from the lineart style, and yet keep the mucha influence…